
The middleware navigation is a PSR-15 middleware that provides navigation functionality to a Zend Expressive application

v0.2.7.2 2020-02-19 13:30 UTC


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Run the following to install this library:

$ composer require depa/middleware-navigation


After installing the module, you have to implement the navigation-middleware into your pipeline, so you basically add this line above the RouteMiddleware:


To create a navigation, use the (it's inside the config folder) as your basic (put it into config\autoload)

The basic structure of a menu-item must look like this:

'{navigation_Name}' => [
    'route' => '{route_name}', //route-name which is set in routes.php

if you want to add attributes to a menu-item (to the ul element), do this:

'{navigation_Name}' => [
    'attributes' => [...], //possibilitys in attributes-table described (at the bottom of the doc)

if you want to add link-attributes to a menu-item (to the a element), do this:

'{navigation_Name}' => [
    'linkAttributes' => [...], //possibilitys in link-attributes-table described (at the bottom of the doc)

if you want to add child-items to a menu-item, do this (you can use as many as you want):

'{navigation_Name}' => [
    'childs' => [...], //build the same as a normal menu-item

if you want to force a link-direction to an item then add this:

'{navigation_Name}' => [
    'uri' => '{}',

a menu-item which contains any of the given examples could look like this:

'{navigation_Name}' => [
    'route' => '{route_name}',
    'uri' => '{}',
    'attributes' => [
        'id' => '{some_id}',
        'class' => ['{class1} {class2}'],
    'linkAttributes' => [
        'id' => '{some_id}',
        'class' => '{class_1} {class2}',
    'childs' => [
        '{childNavigation_Name}' => [
            'route' => '{route_name}',
            'uri' => '{}',
            'attributes' => [],
            'linkAttributes' => [],
            'childs' => [],

The example provided above would output the following HTML:

    <li id="{some_id} class="{class1 class2} first last">
        <a href="{}">{navigationName}</a>
        <ul class="menu_level_1">
            <li class="first last">
                <a href="{}">{childNavigationName}</a>

which would look like this:

  • {navigationName}
    • {childNavigationName}

Attributes you could use and what they do:

Link-Attributes you could use and what they do:

we did not listed every link-/attribute, take a closer look at knpLabs/KnpMenu for more informations!


This bundle is inspired by Zend Framework. It has been developed by designpark.


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.