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v1.2.7 2024-09-10 10:23 UTC



composer require deniscosmin21/log-service-php

Customization For custom options you should add to .env file :

ERROR_NAME=custom_path_to_error_log_file #basic is error.log
INFO_NAME=custom_path_to_info_log_file #basic is info.log
WARNING_NAME=custom_path_to_warning_log_file #basic is warning.log
SUCCESS_NAME=custom_path_to_success_log_file #basic is info.log
CUSTOM_PATH=custom_folder_for_logs #basic is /log_records


If you have a php project without laravel you have to use

require '../vendor/autoload.php';

to use the namespaces from composer packages


use Deniscosmin21\LogServicePhp\LogData;

Specify source

use Deniscosmin21\LogServicePhp\LogData;

$logger = new LogData();


This is not mandatory to do if you specified the source in the .env file

Specify type of log

You can either use the custom methods that feel like laravel

use Deniscosmin21\LogServicePhp\LogData;

LogData::info() #for informational log

LogData::error() #for error log

LogData::warning() #for warning log

LogData::success() #for success log

You can even specify the message of the log inside

LogData::info('my custom message');

Or you can use

LogData::details('the_type_of_log_you_want', 'your_log_message');

#the first parameter is the type, and the second parameter are the details For sending notification about a log you can use email method with the parameter a string of emails for example

"," ""


Or you can send an array of emails for example


#the array should look like this : [(0) => 'first_email', (1) => 'second_email'] By using the email method you can specify as many emails as you want

For sending the notification to sms you can use


But keep in mind that this method makes the log to be sent to sms and to email so the usage should be like this


To use the api credentials you can either use the string for each value

LogData::credentials('credentials_key', 'credentials_value');

Or you can use an array with the content : ['key' => 'credentials_key', 'value' => 'credentials_value']

LogData::credentials(['key' => 'credentials_key', 'value' => 'credentials_value']);

It's not mandatory to specify the credentials if you specified them inside the .env file

To send the log after setting all the information just use

LogData::send(); #This gets the response of the request too
LogData::chained_metods() #no need for using send

Full usage example

use Deniscosmin21\LogServicePhp\LogData;

return LogData::info('my_info_log')->source('source')->email('')->credentials('key', 'value');

Or if the .env file is all setted up

use Deniscosmin21\LogServicePhp\LogData;

return LogData::info('my_info_log')->email('');

More informations In case of error of the request the logger will return a response with the message specified, and the errors that it has. If any errors happen, the log will be registered locally in the path specified in the .env file or basic paths, with the body of the log : "[log_type log, in date : date_time_of_log] : Detalii : details; Locatie : location of the log.

The .env file should be stored in the root of the directory, else the app will fail