
Library to serialize opencorpora export file data from xml to objects

v1.0.0 2022-01-18 20:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-19 03:22:07 UTC


Test status on master

Library to serialize opencorpora export file data from xml to objects

This library will help you read Opencorpora export file. In library we have 5 processors:

  • GrammemeProcessor (reads only Grammeme node)
  • LemmaProcessor (reads only Lemma node)
  • LinksProcessor (reads only Links node)
  • LinkTypeProcessor (reads only LinkType node)
  • RestrictionProcessor (reads only Restr node)

Use this processors to extract xml data to simple DTO objects. XML file opens and reads by PHP library XMLReader and SimpleXMLElement node by node. That why it use not a lot of memory.

Installation / Usage

Install the latest version via composer:

composer require denis-korolev/opencorpora

Here is an example of usage GrammemeProcessor. Other processors using exactly same.

use JMS\Serializer\Naming\IdenticalPropertyNamingStrategy;
use JMS\Serializer\Naming\SerializedNameAnnotationStrategy;
use JMS\Serializer\SerializerBuilder;
use Opencorpora\Dictionary\Grammeme;
use Opencorpora\GrammemeProcessor;

 $serializer =  SerializerBuilder::create()->setPropertyNamingStrategy(
    new SerializedNameAnnotationStrategy(
        new IdenticalPropertyNamingStrategy()

// path to file
$fileName = $this->projectDir . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'var' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'dict.opcorpora.xml';

$processor = new GrammemeProcessor($serializer);

foreach ($processor->getData($fileName) as $grammeme) {
     * @var $grammeme Grammeme
    echo $grammeme->name;
    echo $grammeme->parent;
    echo $grammeme->description;
    echo $grammeme->alias;