
Phalcon MongoDB ODM

v1.0.6 2017-07-06 15:56 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-01 21:01:12 UTC


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Tiny, simple and functional MongoDB ODM library for Phalcon framework for new mongodb php extension


Make sure you have the MongoDB PHP driver installed. You can find installation instructions at

Install the latest stable version using composer:

composer require denchikby/phalcon-mongodb-odm


    "require": {
        "denchikby/phalcon-mongodb-odm": "dev-master"


Add settings and service to DI:

$di->set('config', function () {
    return new \Phalcon\Config([
        'mongodb' => [
            'host'     => 'localhost',
            'port'     => 27017,
            'database' => 'auto'
}, true);

$di->set('mongo', function () use ($di) {
    $config  = $di->get('config')->mongodb;
    $manager = new \MongoDB\Driver\Manager('mongodb://' . $config->host . ':' . $config->port);
    return $manager;
}, true);

Creating Model

use DenchikBY\MongoDB\Model;

class User extends Model {}

in this case will be used 'user' collection with same name as model.

To specify another collection name use getSource method:

use DenchikBY\MongoDB\Model;

class User extends Model
    public static function getSource()
        return 'users';

Initialize Model

To initialize a new model instead of

$user = new User;


$user = User::init();

Initialize filled model:

$user = User::init(['name' => 'DenchikBY']);


$user = User::init()->fill(['name' => 'DenchikBY']);

or init and save in db

$user = User::create(['name' => 'DenchikBY']);


To array:

$ad = Ads::init()->first();
var_dump($ad->toArray()); // array of all fields
var_dump($ad->toArray(['include' => ['id', 'name']])); // array of specified fields
var_dump($ad->toArray(['exclude' => ['user_id']])); // array of all fields except specified

Unset field:

$ad = Ads::init()->first();

Attributes Casting

It allow you to modify attribute type on setting/filling:

It help to save fields to db with need type, what is very important, cause mongo don't casting types in queries.

Supported types: integer, float, boolean, string, array, object, id

class User extends Model
    protected static $casts = [
        'age' => 'integer'

$user->age = '20';

var_dump($user->age); => int(20)

Casts also work in where methods of builder:

User::where('age', '20')->get();

age will converted to integer and query will load normally.


There are two types of relations: one and many;


field => [related model, type, local field, foreign field]

public static $relations = [
    'user'     => [Users::class, 'one', 'user_id', '_id'],
    'comments' => [Comments::class, 'many', '_id', 'ad_id']

Relations can be loaded by two ways:

By one query:

Ads::where('views', '>', 1000)->join('user')->join('comments')->get()

it will use $lookup operator of aggregation framework.

By several queries, just call attribute with name of key in relations array:

$user = User::where('name', 'DenchikBY')->first();


Scopes help to put common queries to methods:

 * @method $this active()
class BaseModel extends Model
    public scopeActive($builder)
        return $builder->where('active', 1);

$users = User::active()->get();
$ads   = Ads::active()->get();

Global scopes

This scope will binded to any query of model:

class Ads extends Model
    public static $globalScopes = ['notDeleted'];
    public function notDeleted($builder)
        return $builder->where('deleted', 0);

Mutators (getters/setters)

Mutators allow modify attributes when you getting, setting or filling it.

For example, when you creating user and set the password, hashing may be defined in model:

$user = User::create([
    'name'     => 'DenchikBY',
    'password' => '1234'
class User extends Model
    public function getName($value)
        return ucfirst($value);

    public function setPassword($value)
        return Di::getDefault()->get('security')->hash($value);


Existed events before/after for actions save, create, update, delete.

class User extends Model
    public function afterCreate()
        Email::send($this->email, 'emails.succeddfull_registration', ['user' => $this]);

Query Builder

Query builder could be called clearly or implicitly.

$users = User::query()->get();


$users = User::get();


$builder = User::query();

//allowed operators in where =, !=, >, <, >=, <=

$builder->where('name', '=', 'DenchikBY');
$builder->where('name', 'DenchikBY');

$builder->orWhere('name', 'Denis');

$builder->betweenWhere('age', 20, 30);

$builder->notBetweenWhere('age', 20, 30);

$builder->inWhere('name', ['DenchikBY', 'Denis']);

$builder->notInWhere('name', ['DenchikBY', 'Denis']);

$builder->orderBy('created_at', 'desc');

$builder->limit(2, 1);

//Closing methods:

$users = $builder->get(); // return collection of models

$user = $builder->first(); // return first model without collection

$count = $builder->count(); // run count command, which return int of counted documents

$count = $builder->increment('coins', 10); // increase field in founded documents, return count of them

$count = $builder->decrement('coins', 10);

$count = $builder->update(['banned' => 1]); // update founded documents with specified fields, return count of them

$count = $builder->delete(); // delete founded documents, return count of them

$age = $builder->max('age');

$age = $builder->min('age');

$age = $builder->avg('age');

$total = $builder->sum('age');


Advanced Wheres

For grouping where conditions:

$query = Ads::query()->where('auto_id', '567153ea43946846683e77ff')->where(function (Builder $query) {
    $query->where('body', 1)->orWhere('capacity', 2);

Query Result Collection

Every select query will return iterated collection class of models.

$collection = Comments::where('ad_id', new \MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId($id))->get();

It could be iterated with foreach, or used as array $collection[0]->name;


Size of collection:


Will return array of assocs of each model:


Return json of array, created by toArray method:


Eager loading, similar as join:

Will load all for all comments by single query and put necessary into every document.

$collection->eager(Users::class, 'user', 'user_id', '_id');

Grouping documents to arrays by specific field:


Keys the collection by the given key (unlike groupBy that value will single model, in groupBy array of models):


Return array of values specific field of collection:


Return associated array of specified key => value fields:

$collection->combine('_id', 'text');

Return array of chunked collection by specified size:
