
Demigod Tools for hosting pantheon sites locally

Installs: 109

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 3

Watchers: 1

Forks: 2

Open Issues: 4


dev-master 2023-01-27 17:24 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-27 20:14:22 UTC


Demigod Tools

Terminus v3.x Compatible

Create a Simple Docker-Compose cluster for local development

A simple plugin for Terminus-CLI version 3.0 or newer that adds a docker compose and environment variables.


  • Terminus version 3.0

    brew install pantheon-systems/external/terminus

  • direnv and Pipe Viewer/pv

    brew install direnv pv mysql-client

    Also, be sure to integrate DIRENV into your shell using the information here:

  • Docker version 4.0+ ( docker-compose is now a part of default install )

    brew install --cask docker

  • Robo

    See the Readme on the robo repository

  • php

    Version 7.4+ (8.0 is recommended)

    brew install php@8.0


To install this plugin using Terminus 3:

terminus self:plugin:install demigod-tools/demigod-tools


These commands require no configuration


# clone the site locally with terminus 3
terminus local:clone {site_name}

# Copy the demigod docker templates into place
terminus demigod:copy-templates {SITE_NAME}

# leaving you in the site directory

# use robo to launch the containers
robo docker:up


terminus self:plugin:update