
php api client for

1.0.1 2020-08-22 16:32 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-10 20:26:09 UTC


This Project is used for scrapping data from


It is mandatory to list BMKG (Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency) as data sources and display them on your application or system.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.


Before you install this package, make sure that the requirements below are met

PHP >= 5.6


To install this package, please follow the below instruction

Install via composer using below command

composer require dekiakbar/bmkg-api-php-client

And you're done, enjoy it :)

Example Usage


  • Get all forecast data by province, this method will return all city data including Temperature,Humidity,Wind Speed,Wind Direction and Weather, this method will return data type : stdclass object, if you did not passing any parameter to execute() method then it will return data for all province.
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Dekiakbar\BmkgApiPhpClient\Forecast;
$data = new Forecast();
//this will return data only from  West java province
//this will return data from all provinces
  • Get available area code
//this will retun available area code, you can pass this area code to execute method
//this will return array
  • Get city list
//this will return available city list from West java province
  • Get data for specific city
//this will return data only for spesific city
//this will return data for all city, coz there is no parameter passed to the function
  • Get data list
//this will return available data id from specific city
  • Get specific data by Id, the data id can not be null, use getDataList() to get available data id.
//this will return specific data from specific city


  • Get earthquake data from bmkg open data, this method will return data type : stdclass object, if you did not passing any parameter to execute() method then it will return data as same as autogempa code.
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Dekiakbar\BmkgApiPhpClient\Earthquake;

// Earthquake class initialization
$data = new Earthquake();

// This will method will get data from bmkg, then will fetch the data and return as StdClass onject
// if there is no parameter passed to the excute method then it will return defsult data (autogempa)
print_r( $data->execute()->getData() );

// With parameter example
print_r( $data->execute('lasttsunami')->getData() );
  • Get available code list
// This will return available code list for execute method
print_r( $data->getCodeList() );

Built With

  • PHP - The web scripting language used
  • Packagist - Composer package repository
  • BMKG - Used as data source


Please fork this repository, and create new pull request if you want to contribute on this project.or open a new issue if you find something wrong with this project.


See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
