deetrych / mapping-bundle
Symfony bundle for mapping library
- php: >=7.0.1
- deetrych/mapping: dev-master
- symfony/framework-bundle: ^2.7 || ^3.1 || ^4.1
Requires (Dev)
- phpunit/phpunit: ^6.4
- symfony/yaml: ^2.7 || ^3.1
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-20 06:21:19 UTC
This bundle uses mapping library to create services for convenient mapping.
Read model use case examples
Let's say you had data stored in Redis as a JSON and You were mapping it to some ViewDTO. Your code probably looks similar to this:
$jsonProductData = $this->redisConnection->get($itemKey); $serializedProductData = json_decode($jsonProductData, true); return new ProductViewDTO( $serializedProductData['price']['value'], $serializedProductData['price']['currency'], $serializedProductData['details']['material'], $serializedProductData['details']['sku'], $serializedProductData['description'], $serializedProductData['productPhotos'] );
With this config:
deetrych_mapping: read_models: product_view: # service that will be created will have "deetrych.read_model.mapper.product_view" id fields: priceValue: path: price.value priceCurrency: path: price.currency material: path: details.material sku: path: details.sku description: path: description productPhotos: path: productPhotos type: json model: Vendor\ProductViewDTO
Your code will look like that:
return $this->mapper->map($this->redisConnection->get($itemKey));
Write model use case examples
Ok, so let's say You want to save your Domain Model in Redis as json string, but You don't really want to add unnecessary getters in the Model:
deetrych_mapping: write_models: product: # service that will be created will have "deetrych.write_model.mapper.product" id fields: price.value: path: price.value price.currency: path: price.currency details.material: path: details.material details.sku: path: details.sku description: path: details.description productPhotos: path: details.productPhotos type: json
( This config assume that your Product has price and details fields, as well as the fact that those fields are objects which also have given fields)
And your code will look like that:
$this->redisConnection->set($identifier, $this->mapper->map($product));
Extending mappers
When extending mappers You need to provide all the mappers You want to use:
deetrych_mapping: type_map: write_models: array: Deetrych\Mapping\Mapper\WriteModel\ArrayMapper json: Deetrych\Mapping\Mapper\WriteModel\JsonMapper elastic: Deetrych\Mapping\Decorator\ElasticMapperDecorator mixed: Vendor\YourMapper # <- this class has to extend Deetrych\Mapping\Mapper\WriteModel\AbstractMapper