
Yii 2 Models load with relation & transaction save with relation (plus optional soft-delete/restore).

2.0.2 2025-01-24 14:04 UTC


Note: This is not the official extension by @mootensai.
I am not the creator of the original extension. I have made bug fixes and improvements that suit my use case.
Feel free to use it or refer to the official package at mootensai/yii2-relation-trait.

Yii 2 Models add functionality for loading related models via loadAll($POST) and transactional saving via saveAll().
It also supports soft delete and soft restore features.

Works best with mootensai/yii2-enhanced-gii.


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The preferred way to install this extension is through Composer.

Either run

composer require deadmantfa/yii2-relation-trait

or add

"deadmantfa/yii2-relation-trait": "^2.0.0"

to the require section of your application's composer.json file.

Usage in the Model

use deadmantfa\relation\RelationTrait;

class MyModel extends \yii\db\ActiveRecord
    use RelationTrait;

    // ...

Controller Usage

The extension expects a normal array of POST data. For example:

    $_POST['ParentClass'] => [
        'attr1' => 'value1',
        'attr2' => 'value2',
        // Has many
        'relationName' => [
            [ 'relAttr' => 'relValue1' ],
            [ 'relAttr' => 'relValue2' ]
        // Has one
        'relationName' => [
            'relAttr1' => 'relValue1',
            'relAttr2' => 'relValue2'

In your controller:

$model = new ParentClass();
if ($model->loadAll(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->saveAll()) {
    return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);


  1. Transaction Support a. Your data changes are atomic (ACID compliant).
  2. Normal save() a. Behaviors still work as usual since it’s built on top of Yii’s ActiveRecord.
  3. Validation a. Errors from related models appear via errorSummary(), e.g.
        MyRelatedClass #2: [Error message]
  4. UUID or Auto-Increment Works with any PK strategy, including mootensai/yii2-uuid-behavior.
  5. Soft Delete By defining $_rt_softdelete in your model constructor (and $_rt_softrestore for restoring), you can softly mark rows as deleted instead of physically removing them.
         private $_rt_softdelete;
         private $_rt_softrestore;
         public function __construct($config = [])
             $this->_rt_softdelete = [
                 'is_deleted' => 1,
                 'deleted_by' => Yii::$app->user->id,
                 'deleted_at' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'),
             $this->_rt_softrestore = [
                 'is_deleted' => 0,
                 'deleted_by' => null,
                 'deleted_at' => null,

Array Outputs


Produces a POST-like structure with the main model and related arrays.


Produces a nested structure under [relationName] => [...].

Contributing or Reporting Issues

Please open an issue or submit a PR if you find a bug or have an improvement idea.


This package is a fork or an alternative to mootensai/yii2-relation-trait. All credit to @mootensai for the initial code. This is not meant to replace the original package but rather provide bug fixes and enhancements under a different namespace.