
There is no license information available for the latest version (3.2.1) of this package.

Converts the color to match the offset in tone, brightness, or saturation.

3.2.1 2024-01-20 16:38 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-12-06 07:43:31 UTC


Converts the color to match the offset in tone, brightness, or saturation.




1. Elements → Snippets: Create a new snippet with the following data

  1. Snippet name: ddColorTools.
  2. Description: <b>3.2.1</b> Converts the color to match the offset in tone, brightness, or saturation..
  3. Category: Core.
  4. Parse DocBlock: no.
  5. Snippet code (php): Insert content of the ddColorTools_snippet.php file from the archive.

2. Elements → Manage Files

  1. Create a new folder assets/snippets/ddColorTools/.
  2. Extract the archive to the folder (except ddColorTools_snippet.php).

Using (MODX)EvolutionCMS.libraries.ddInstaller

Just run the following PHP code in your sources or Console:

//Include (MODX)EvolutionCMS.libraries.ddInstaller
	$modx->getConfig('base_path') .

//Install (MODX)EvolutionCMS.snippets.ddColorTools
	'url' => 'https://github.com/DivanDesign/EvolutionCMS.snippets.ddColorTools',
	'type' => 'snippet'
  • If ddColorTools is not exist on your site, ddInstaller will just install it.
  • If ddColorTools is already exist on your site, ddInstaller will check it version and update it if needed.

Parameters description

Input color

  • inputColor

    • Desctription: Input color as HEX, HSL or HSB/HSV, with or without alpha-channel.
      Valid format examples:
      • ffffff
      • #FFFFFF
      • #FFFFFFFF
      • hsl(0, 0%, 100%)
      • hsla(0, 0%, 100%)
      • HSL(0, 0, 100)
      • hsb(0, 0%, 100%)
      • hsba(0, 0%, 100%)
      • hsv(0, 0%, 100%)
      • hsva(0, 0%, 100%)
      • hsb(0, 0, 100)
      • hsv(0, 0, 100)
    • Valid values: string
    • Required
  • inputColor_docField

    • Desctription: The name of the document field / TV which value is required to get.
      If the parameter is passed then the input string will be taken from the field / TV and inputColor will be ignored.
    • Valid values: string
    • Default value: —
  • inputColor_docId

    • Desctription: ID of the document which field/TV value is required to get.
      inputColor_docId equals the current document id since inputString_docId is unset.
    • Valid values: integer
    • Default value: —

Color modification

All parameters can contain the following special operators:

  1. + (e. g. +10) — plus
  2. - (e. g. -10) — minus
  3. abs — round to max or min value
  4. r — invert
  5. without operator (e. g. 10) — just set equal to
  • offset_h

    • Desctription: Operations of the hue offset separated by commas.
    • Valid values: stringCommaSeparated
    • Default value: '+0'
  • offset_h[i]

    • Desctription: Offset of the hue in degrees ([-360; +360]).
    • Valid values: string
    • Required
  • offset_s

    • Desctription: Operations of the saturation offset separated by commas.
    • Valid values: stringCommaSeparated
    • Default value: '+0'
  • offset_s[i]

    • Desctription: Offset of the saturation in persents ([-100; +100]).
    • Valid values: string
    • Required
  • offset_l

    • Desctription: Operations of the lightness offset separated by commas.
    • Valid values: stringCommaSeparated
    • Default value: '+0'
  • offset_l[i]

    • Desctription: Offset of the lightness in persents ([-100; +100]).
    • Valid values: string
    • Required
  • offset_a

    • Desctription: Operations of the alpha-channel offset separated by commas.
    • Valid values: stringCommaSeparated
    • Default value: '+0'
  • offset_a[i]

    • Desctription: Offset of the alpha-channel in persents ([-100; +100]).
    • Valid values: string
    • Required


  • result_outputFormat

    • Desctription: Output color format.
    • Valid values:
      • 'hex'
      • 'hsl'
      • 'rgb'
    • Default value: 'hsl'
  • result_tpl

    • Desctription: Chunk to parse result.
      Available placeholders:
      • [+ddResult+] — full color string
      • [+ddH+] — hue
      • [+ddS+] — saturation
      • [+ddL+] — lightness
      • [+ddA+] — alpha-channel
      • [+ddIsDark+] — is color dark (0 || 1)?
    • Valid values:
      • stringChunkName
      • string — use inline templates starting with @CODE:
    • Default value: —
  • result_tpl_placeholders

    • Desctription: Additional data has to be passed into the result_tpl.
      Nested objects and arrays are supported too:
      • {"someOne": "1", "someTwo": "test" } => [+someOne+], [+someTwo+].
      • {"some": {"a": "one", "b": "two"} } => [+some.a+], [+some.b+].
      • {"some": ["one", "two"] } => [+some.0+], [+some.1+].
    • Valid values:
      • stringJsonObject — as JSON
      • stringHjsonObject — as HJSON
      • stringQueryFormatted — as Query string
      • It can also be set as a native PHP object or array (e. g. for calls through $modx->runSnippet):
        • arrayAssociative
        • object
    • Default value: —


Set black or white font color depending on background color

We need black texts in light backgrounds and vice versa.

Let's pass background color as inputColor to the snippet:

color: [[ddColorTools?

Code of the blackOrWhiteColor chunk:

hsl(0, 0%, [[ddIf?

Run the snippet through \DDTools\Snippet::runSnippet without DB and eval

//Include (MODX)EvolutionCMS.libraries.ddTools
	$modx->getConfig('base_path') .

//Run (MODX)EvolutionCMS.snippets.ddColorTools
	'name' => 'ddColorTools',
	'params' => [
		'inputColor' => '#000000',
		'result_tpl' => 'colorTpl'
