
WSMan for PHP

v0.68-beta 2017-12-04 21:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-10-06 04:28:32 UTC


-- Coming soon!


You don't (just yet). The package is not quite ready ^_^


Create a client

use dcone80\Wsman\Wsman;

$client = new Wsman([
        'location' => "http://TARGET-HOST:5985",
        'login' => 'username',
        'password' => 'password',

Simple Queries

Identity target

$response = $client->identify();

Get WinRM Config

$config = $client->get('winrm/config');

WMI Queries

Get Volume C:

$response = $client->get('wmicimv2/Win32_logicaldisk', ['DeviceId' => 'C:']);

List Windows Services:

$response = $client->enumerate('wmicimv2/Win32_Service');

Using WQL:

$params = [
	'dialect' => 'WQL',
	'query' => 'select * from Win32_Service WHERE DelayedAutoStart = "true"'
$results = $client->enumerate('wmicimv2/*', $params);

Windows Registy Query

$params = [
  'hDefKey' => '2147483650',
  'sSubKeyName' => 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion',
  'sValueName' => 'ProductName'

$response = $client->invoke('GetStringValue', 'wmi/root/default/StdRegProv', $params);


  • Support for BASIC Authentication
  • Support for Negotiate Authentication
  • Implement Get Method
  • Implement Identify Method
  • Implement Enumerate Method
  • Implement Invoke Method
  • Implement Put Method
  • Implement Delete Method
  • Handle Errors and failed requests
  • Use Guzzlehttp client instead of plain CURL
  • Test againsts non-Windows based devices
  • Handle/Remove hard-coded language tags in SOAP headers