
Simple package which dcode uses to handle the connection to MYOB for all projects. Provides endpoints for UI and callbacks for MYOB

0.1.8 2024-03-14 00:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-11 01:42:31 UTC


This package provides the standard MYOB connection functionality used in most projects.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require dcodegroup/laravel-myob-oauth

Then run the install command.

php artsian laravel-myob:install

This will publish the configuration file and the migration file.

Run the migrations

php artsian migrate


Most of configuration has been set the fair defaults. However you can review the configuration file at config/laravel-myob-oauth.php and adjust as needed


The package provides an endpoints which you can use. See the full list by running

php artsian route:list --name=myob
| Domain | Method   | URI                     | Name               | Action                                                                  | Middleware                       |
|        | GET|HEAD | myob                    | myob.index         | Dcodegroup\LaravelMyobOauth\Http\Controllers\XeroController             | web                              |
|        |          |                         |                    |                                                                         | App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate |
|        | GET|HEAD | myob/auth               | xero.auth          | Dcodegroup\LaravelMyobOauth\Http\Controllers\XeroAuthController         | web                              |
|        |          |                         |                    |                                                                         | App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate |
|        | GET|HEAD | myob/callback           | xero.callback      | Dcodegroup\LaravelMyobOauth\Http\Controllers\XeroCallbackController     | web                              |
|        |          |                         |                    |                                                                         | App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate |
|        | POST     | myob/tenants/{tenantId} | xero.tenant.update | Dcodegroup\LaravelMyobOauth\Http\Controllers\SwitchXeroTenantController | web                              |
|        |          |                         |                    |                                                                         | App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate |

More Information

example.com/myob Which is where you will generate the link to authorise MYOB. This is by default protected auth middleware but you can modify in the configuration. This is where you want to link to in your admin and possibly a new window

example.com/myob/callback This is the route for which xero will redirect back tp after the oauth has occurred. This is excluded from the middleware auth. You can change this list in the configuration also.


The package has a BaseMyobService class located at Dcodegroup\LaravelMyobOauth\BaseMyobService

So your application should have its own MyobService extend this base class as the initialisation is already done.


namespace App\Services\Myob;

use Dcodegroup\LaravelMyobOauth\MyobService;
use XeroPHP\Models\Accounting\Contact;

class MyobService extends MyobService
     * @inheritDoc
    public function createContact(object $data)
         * $this->>xeroClient is inherited from the  BaseXeroService
        $contact = new Contact($this->xeroClient);

        $contact->setName($data->name . ' (' . $data->code . ')')

        $contact = head($contact->save()->getElements());

        return $this->xeroClient->loadByGUID(Contact::class, $contact['ContactID']);
