
Allow adding attachments to any document

0.2.18 2024-04-11 03:04 UTC


Simple Dropin package to add attachments to your models.

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composer require dcodegroup/laravel-attachments

Then run

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Dcodegroup\LaravelAttachments\LaravelAttachmentsServiceProvider"


If you are using either ULIDS or UUIDs in your tables ensure to update the published migrations for the media table.

eg. replace with the appropriate type

    Schema::create('media', function (Blueprint $table) {


    Schema::create('media', function (Blueprint $table) {

Then run the migrations

## Routes 

Add the Routes to the file you need such as `laravel_attachments.php`


use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Route;


Then add the following to your RouteServiceProvider

     * Attachments


Add the following file to to your css file.

 @import "../../vendor/dcodegroup/laravel-attachments/resources/scss/attachments.scss";

Add the below to the app.js file.

import attachmentPlugin from "../../vendor/dcodegroup/laravel-attachments/resources/js/plugin"


Ensure to install these npm packages

npm i @heroicons/vue bytes form-backend-validation vue-image-markup vue-upload-component  


Configuration file contains

return [
    'media' => [
        'conversions' => [
            'thumb' => [
                'width' => 43,
                'height' => 43,
            'list' => [
                'width' => 43,
                'height' => 43,
            'grid' => [
                'width' => 160,
                'height' => 192,

    'features' => [
        // annotations
        // categories
    'route_name_prefix' => env('LARAVEL_ATTACHMENTS_ROUTE_NAME_PREFIX', 'laravel_attachments'),
    'signed' => env('LARAVEL_ATTACHMENTS_URLS_SIGNED', false),

Ensure the publish the config file from the Spatie Media Library.

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Spatie\MediaLibrary\MediaLibraryServiceProvider" --tag="medialibrary-config"

Then change the media model used to

    'media_model' => \Dcodegroup\LaravelAttachments\Models\Media::class,

Update the path generator from the default to our customised one.

    'path_generator' => \Dcodegroup\LaravelAttachments\MediaLibrary\MediaPathGenerator::class,

You probably want to change the disk for stored files from media-library also.

    'disk_name' => env('MEDIA_DISK', 's3'),


You will need to implement a MediaPolicy to control access to the media.

Then add to AuthServiceProvider

    protected $policies = [
        Media::class => MediaPolicy::class,

Example policy might be


namespace App\Policies;

use App\Models\User;
use Dcodegroup\LaravelAttachments\Models\Media;
use Illuminate\Auth\Access\HandlesAuthorization;

class MediaPolicy
    use HandlesAuthorization;

    public function viewAny(User $user): bool
        return $this->internalOnly($user);

    public function view(User $user, Media $media): bool
        return $this->internalOnly($user);

    public function create(User $user): bool
        return $this->internalOnly($user);

    public function update(User $user, Media $media): bool
        return $this->internalOnly($user);

    public function delete(User $user, Media $media): bool
        return $this->internalOnly($user);

    public function restore(User $user, Media $media): bool
        return $this->internalOnly($user);

    public function forceDelete(User $user, Media $media): bool
        return $this->internalOnly($user);

If you are using S3 or another hosted service you may need to use signed urls to access the urls.

If yes then update the configuration or the ENV variable to true.

    'use_signed_urls' => env('USE_SIGNED_URLS', true),

This package will use dreamonkey/laravel-cloudfront-url-signer https://github.com/dreamonkey/laravel-cloudfront-url-signer. See the README for how to configure.

Here is how to generate the ssh keys. Make sure to have a directory storage/cloudfront-keypairs

Source of below is from https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/private-content-trusted-signers.html?icmpid=docs_cf_help_panel#private-content-creating-cloudfront-key-pairs


openssl genrsa -out private_key.pem 2048


openssl rsa -pubout -in private_key.pem -out public_key.pem

User model

Add the following contract to the User model.

use Dcodegroup\LaravelAttachments\Contracts\HasMediaUser;

class User extends Authenticatable implements HasMediaUser

public function getMediaUserName(): string
    return $this->name;


Add the template to the edit page you want.

    <div class="py-8">
        <hr class="border-gray-100">
    <div class="mt-8">
        @include('attachments::attachments', ['model' => $model])