
Integrate the entity-attribute-value model with polymorphic Eloquent-relations in your Laravel application.

1.0.6 2022-02-15 13:34 UTC

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Last update: 2024-09-15 19:25:55 UTC


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Integrate the entity-attribute-value model with polymorphic Eloquent-relations in your Laravel application.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require davidwesdijk/laravel-polymorphic-eav


Preparing your models

In order to implement the Entity-Attribute-Value-model to your Eloquent models, the only required action is to add the HasEntityAttributeValues Trait. That's all action required to use the full features this package brings.

use DavidWesdijk\LaravelPolymorphicEav\Traits\HasEntityAttributeValues;

class Product extends Model
     use HasEntityAttributeValues;

    // Implementation of your Eloquent model

Assigning attributes

Attributes are, when the Trait is added, accessable and assignable by the props accessor on your Eloquent Model. Just set its value!

class ProductController extends Controller
    public function update(AnyValidatedRequest $request, Product $product)
        $product->props->details->color = $request->color; // E.g. 'red'

        // That's it!

Accessing attributes

The assigned attributes are simply accessible by defining the group and the attribute in the props accessor like the following example. The concept is that all required properties must be accessible, without throwing exceptions, to keep you code clean, readable and maintainable.

// This attribute has been set before
$product->props->details->color; // 'red'

// This attribute has never been set before 
$product->props->details->sku; // null

// Even if the group has never been defined 
$product->props->foo->bar; // null

Other functionality

If you'd like e.g. remove a property you can either set it's value to null, or you can simply unset the value. The database entry will be removed.


$product->props->details->color; // null


You might run into a situation where you have to have all assigned properties available in an array or json. This package respects the Arrayable and Jsonable interfaces.

$product->props->details->toArray(); ['color' => 'red']
$product->props->details->toJson(); '{color: "red"}'


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email david@favor.media instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.