
A command line tool to interact with Folding@Home API project

v0.0.06 2020-05-05 16:14 UTC


A Symfony 4.4 LTS console command to interact with Folding@Home project API. This command provides an easy method to check the detailed team stats.

Installation requirements

  • PHP 7.4
  • Composer 1.10

Installation instructions

$ git clone git@github.com:davidromani/folding-at-home-api-console.git
$ cd folding-at-home-api-console
$ composer install
$ ./vendor/bin/doctrine orm:schema-tool:create -q -n


Show team stats by ID number in an output pretty format. Remember to replace <id> by a team number or team 0 will be searched.

$ php app.php folding:get:team:stats <id>

Persist team stats by ID number into a local storage database. Remember to replace <id> by a team number or team 0 will be searched.

$ php app.php folding:get:team:stats <id> --persist

Show list table with total team rankings list stored in the local database.

$ php app.php folding:get:stored:teams:ranking