
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A simple tool for supervising your automatically executed commands.

1.0 2016-12-20 21:41 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-12-17 08:21:49 UTC


A simple tool for supervising your automatically executed commands.


  • Symfony >= 2.8
  • PHP >= 5.6


Require the bundle with the composer:

composer require davidkmenta/command-supervisor-bundle

Enable the bundle in the kernel:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = [
        // ...
        new DavidKmenta\CommandSupervisorBundle\CommandSupervisorBundle(),
        // ...

Add configuration to your config.yml:

    cache_path: "%kernel.root_dir%/var/supervisor/"
    default_handler: "command_supervisor.handler.swift_mailer_handler"
        - { name: "ftp:download:distraints", threshold: 60 }
        - { name: "command:supervisor:status", threshold: 5, handler: "my_handler" }
        my_handler: "handler_service_id"
Parameter Description
cache_path where supervisor's files should be stored
default_handler (optional) a default handler for the supervised commands without a custom handler
commands list of supervised commands (see below)
handlers (optional) list of custom handlers that can be used for supervised commands (a name followed by the service id)

Definition of the supervised commands:

Parameter Description
name the name of the supervised command
threshold last successful run of the command in seconds
handler (optional) name of a custom handler for a specific command


There are two commands you may execute

Command Description
command-supervisor:status Shows current status of the supervised commands in the console. This command DOES NOT call the handlers.
command-supervisor:supervise Should be executed in a short interval by the Cron. This command DOES call the handlers.


CommandSupervisorBundle provides an interface for the custom handlers


namespace DavidKmenta\CommandSupervisorBundle\Handler;

use DavidKmenta\CommandSupervisorBundle\Entity\CommandStatus;

interface UnsuccessfulCommandHandlerInterface
    public function handle(CommandStatus $commandStatus);

Any custom handler implementing this interface can be used in the configuration as the default handler or as a custom handler for a specific command.

The CommandStatus entity contains useful information about last run of the supervised command and the current status.




Any contribution is welcomed :-)