Management package for davek1312 packages

v0.2.11 2017-04-30 23:08 UTC


Management package for davek1312 packages.


The package is available on Packagist, you can install it using Composer.

composer require davek1312/app

Registering Components

You can register the following components: Database Migrations, Console Commands and Configuration Files.

Create Your Registry Class:


namespace YourNamespace;

use Davek1312\App\Registry;

class YourRegistry extends Registry {
    protected function register() {
        // Register the directory of your configuration files
        // Register the directory of your database migration files
        // Register the class names of your console commands
        // Register the package language files
        $this->registerLang('package-name', __DIR__.'path/to/lang');
        // Register custom validation rule using a closure
        $this->registerValidationRules('foo', function ($attribute, $value, $parameters, $validator) {
            return $value == 'foo';
        // Register custom validation rule using a method
        $this->registerValidationRules('foo', 'FooValidator@validate');
        // Register an implicit custom validation rule
        $this->registerImplicitValidationRules('foo', 'FooValidator@validateImplicit');
        // Register a custom validation rule replacer. This is used to replace custom place holders.
        $this->registerValidationReplacers('foo', function($message, $attribute, $rule, $parameters) {
            return str_replace('replace', 'with', $message);
        // Register the package routes files

Register Your Registry Class:

Copy the management folder i.e vendor/davek1312/app/davek1312 to your application's root directory and add YourNamespace\YourRegistry to app.php:


return [
     'root_package_dir' => __DIR__.'/../',
        'registry' => [
