
A collection of classes that represent various types of text.

v1.1.8 2023-12-20 02:17 UTC


A collection of classes that represent various types of text.


composer require darling/php-text-types


The following is an overview of the classes provided by the PHPTextTypes library.

These classes can be used as is, or extended to define new types of text.


Text represents a string, can be cast to the string it represents, and can provide information about the string it represents.

Note: The Darling\PHPTextTypes\classes\strings\Text class is the parent of all other classes defined by this library.




require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use \Darling\PHPTextTypes\classes\strings\classes\strings\Text;

$text = new Text('Foo bar baz.');

echo $text;
// example output: Foo bar baz.

echo strval($text->length());
// example output: 12

echo ($text->contains($text) ? 'True' : 'False');
// example output: True

echo ($text->contains('Foo') ? 'True' : 'False');
// example output: True

echo ($text->contains('foo') ? 'True' : 'False');
// example output: False


A ClassString is the name of an existing Class prefixed by it's namespace.



require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use \Darling\PHPTextTypes\classes\strings\classes\strings\ClassString;

$obj = (object) array('propertyName' => 'value');

$classString = new ClassString($obj);

echo $classString;
// example output: stdClass

$classString = new ClassString($classString);

echo $classString;
// example output: Darling\PHPTextTypes\classes\strings\classes\strings\ClassString


An UnknownClass is a ClassString that represents an unknown class.



require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use \Darling\PHPTextTypes\classes\strings\classes\strings\ClassString;
use \Darling\PHPTextTypes\classes\strings\classes\strings\UnknownClass;

$unknownClass = new UnknownClass();

echo $unknownClass;
// example output: Darling\PHPTextTypes\classes\strings\classes\strings\UnknownClass

 * Note:
 * UnknownClass::class will be returned by a ClassString instance's
 * __toString() method if the class represented by the ClassString
 * instance does not actually exist.
 * For Example:

$classString = new ClassString('Class\That\Does\Not\Exist');

echo $classString;
// example output: Darling\PHPTextTypes\classes\strings\classes\strings\UnknownClass

$classString = new ClassString('a string');

echo $classString;
// example output: Darling\PHPTextTypes\classes\strings\classes\strings\UnknownClass


SafeText is used to provide a safe form of Text that may contain unsafe characters.

The following characters are considered safe:

  • Alphanumeric characters: A-Z, a-z, and 0-9
  • Underscores: _
  • Hyphens: -
  • Periods: .

Unsafe characters in the original Text will be replaced with underscores.

A consecutive sequence of 2 or more unsafe characters will be replaced by a single underscore.

A consecutive sequence of 2 or more underscores will be replaced by a single underscore.

A consecutive sequence of 2 or more hyphens will be replaced by a single hyphen.

A consecutive sequence of 2 or more periods will be replaced by a single period.

SafeText will never be empty, if the original Text is empty, then the SafeText will be the numeric character 0.



require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use \Darling\PHPTextTypes\classes\strings\classes\strings\SafeText;
use \Darling\PHPTextTypes\classes\strings\classes\strings\Text;

$safeText = new SafeText(new Text('Foo Bar Baz'));

echo $safeText;
// example output: Foo_Bar_Baz


AlphanumericText is SafeText that only contains alphanumeric characters.



require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use \Darling\PHPTextTypes\classes\strings\classes\strings\AlphanumericText;
use \Darling\PHPTextTypes\classes\strings\classes\strings\Text;

$alphanumericText = new AlphanumericText(
    new Text('Foo_Bar baz-bazzer')

echo $alphanumericText;
// example output: FooBarBazBazzer


A Name is SafeText that begins with an alphanumeric character, is at least 1 character in length, is no more than 70 characters in length, and only contains the following characters:

  • Alphanumeric characters: A-Z, a-z, and 0-9
  • Underscores: _
  • Hyphens: -
  • Periods: .



require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use \Darling\PHPTextTypes\classes\strings\classes\strings\Name;
use \Darling\PHPTextTypes\classes\strings\classes\strings\Text;

$name = new Name(new Text('Foo Bar Baz. Bin Bar-Foo Bazzer'));

echo $name;
// example output: Foo_Bar_Baz.Bin_Bar-Foo_Bazzer


An Id is AlphanumericText whose length is between 60 and 80 characters.



require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use \Darling\PHPTextTypes\classes\strings\classes\strings\Id;

$id = new Id();

echo $id;

// example output:
// U7ok0eYte87rfdhl2nbMtLghqSQxRQH2FdOBUvjRQG5U99rEfV7m9CNiNLRMd