
A collection of Traits that define methods to aide in the implementation of phpunit tests.

v1.0.9 2024-02-09 17:15 UTC


The PHPUnitTestUtilities library provides traits that define methods to aide in the implementation of phpunit tests.



composer require darling/php-unit-test-utilities



This trait defines the following test methods:

     * Test that phpunit tests run.
     * If this test does not run then phpunit is not set up
     * correctly.
    public function test_php_unit_tests_are_run(): void;

Note: More detailed documentation can be found in the trait itself:



This trait defines the following methods to return formatted strings that can be used to output messages from phpunit tests,for example, when a test fails.

     * Return a message that indicates the failure of a test.
    protected function testFailedMessage(
        object $testedInstance,
        string $testedMethod,
        string $expectation
    ): void;

Note: More detailed documentation can be found in the trait itself:



The PHPUnitRandomValues trait defines the following methods that return random values of various types.

     * Return a string composed of a random number of randomly
     * generated characters.
    protected function randomChars(): string

     * Return a random float.
    protected function randomFloat(): float

     * Return a random fully qualified class name, or object instance.
    protected function randomClassStringOrObjectInstance(): string|object

     * Return a random object instance.
    protected function randomObjectInstance(): object

Note: More detailed documentation can be found in the trait itself:



The following is a hypothetical example of how the traits provided by the PHPUnitTestUtilities library can be used in a class that implements phpunit tests.


namespace Darling\PHPUnitTestUtilities\Tests;

use PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase;
use Darling\PHPUnitTestUtilities\traits\PHPUnitConfigurationTests;
use Darling\PHPUnitTestUtilities\traits\PHPUnitTestMessages;
use Darling\PHPUnitTestUtilities\traits\PHPUnitRandomValues;

class ExampleTest extends TestCase
    use PHPUnitConfigurationTests;
    use PHPUnitTestMessages;
    use PHPUnitRandomValues;

    public function testArrayIsEmpty()
        $testedInstance =
            (object) [
                'foo' => [
                'The array assigned to the foo property must be empty'


The example test above would result in the following failing test when phpunit is run:


There was 1 failure:

1) tests\ExampleTest::testArrayIsEmpty
The stdClass implementation fails to fulfill the following expectation:

The array assigned to the foo property must be empty.
Failed asserting that an array is empty.
