darkterminal / turso-php-installer
Turso libSQL Extension PHP Installer
Fund package maintenance!
- php: ^8.2.0
- fakerphp/faker: ^1.24
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ^7.9
- laravel/prompts: ^0.3.5
- lcobucci/jwt: ^5.5
- paragonie/sodium_compat: ^2.1
Requires (Dev)
- laravel-zero/framework: ^11.36
- laravel/pint: ^1.21
- mockery/mockery: ^1.6
- pestphp/pest: ^2.36
Turso PHP Installer
This is the Turso/libSQL Extension for PHP installer script for Linux and MacOS. Make sure you already have PHP minimal version 8.3.
composer global require darkterminal/turso-php-installer
Laravel Sail
Copy and Paste the stubs from here
make sure the installer is available in PATH
environment variable:
export PATH="$HOME/.composer/vendor/bin;$PATH" # or export PATH="$HOME/.config/composer/vendor/bin;$PATH"
Usage & Overview
USAGE: <command> [options] [arguments] install Install Turso libSQL Extension for PHP uninstall Uninstall Turso libSQL Extension for PHP update Update Turso libSQL Extension for PHP version Display Turso PHP Installer version token:create Create libSQL Server Database token for Local Development token:delete Delete a database token token:list Display all generated database tokens token:show Show libSQL Server Database token for Local Development
Unix Only Command
server:ca-cert-create Generate CA certificate server:ca-cert-delete Delete a CA certificate from the global store location server:ca-cert-list List all generated CA certificates server:ca-cert-show Show raw CA certificate and private key server:ca-peer-cert-create Create a peer certificate server:cert-store-get Get the cert store location server:cert-store-set Set/overwrite global certificate store, to use by the server later. Default is same as {installation_dir}/certs server:check Check server requirement, this will check if python3 pip and cyptography lib are installed sqld:env-delete Delete an environment by name or ID sqld:env-edit Edit an existing environment by ID or name sqld:env-list List all created environments sqld:env-new Create new sqld environment, save for future use. sqld:env-show Show detail of environment sqld:open-db Open database using Turso CLI based on environment id or name and database sqld:server-run Run sqld server based on environment id or name
Install Extension
Interactive Mode
turso-php-installer install
Non Interactive Mode
PHP NTS (Non Thread-Safe) Build
By default the installer will install the stable version of libSQL Client from tursodatabase/turso-client-php
release with NTS (Non Thread-Safe) build version.
turso-php-installer install -n --php-vesion=8.3 --php-ini=/etc/php/<version>/cli/php.ini --extension-dir=/path/to/your-custom/extensions/directory
But, if you want to use the unstable version (which is the development) version of libSQL Client, the installer will install from another source pandanotabear/turso-client-php
release with NTS (Non Thread-Safe) build version. (Btw, Panda is my another pet in GitHub)
turso-php-installer install -n --unstable --php-vesion=8.3 --php-ini=/etc/php/<version>/cli/php.ini --extension-dir=/path/to/your-custom/extensions/directory
PHP TS (Thread-Safe) Build
Stable version build - libSQL Client from tursodatabase/turso-client-php
release with TS (Thread-Safe) build version.
turso-php-installer install -n --thread-safe --php-vesion=8.3 --php-ini=/etc/php/<version>/cli/php.ini --extension-dir=/path/to/your-custom/extensions/directory
Unstable version build - libSQL Client, the installer will install from another source pandanotabear/turso-client-php
release with NTS (Non Thread-Safe) build version.
turso-php-installer install -n --unstable --thread-safe --php-vesion=8.3 --php-ini=/etc/php/<version>/cli/php.ini --extension-dir=/path/to/your-custom/extensions/directory
turso-php-installer install --help
Uninstall Extension
turso-php-installer uninstall
Update Extension
turso-php-installer update
Using Local LibSQL for Development
Create Database Token
Create libSQL Server Database token for Local Development
turso-php-installer token:create
Show Database Token
Show libSQL Server Database token for Local Development
turso-php-installer token:show
This command will show all tokens and secrets. You can also see indivial token read at turso-php-installer token:show --help
The Extension Is Not Working in Windows
Please, download the official release extension binary from Turso Client PHP GitHub Release Page. Or you can you WSL or you can use Turso Docker PHP
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