
v0.5.2 2016-06-22 16:19 UTC

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Last update: 2025-02-28 18:48:11 UTC


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This library provides easy access to the Quandl API using PHP.

It provides several convenience methods to common Quandl API endpoints, as well as a generic method to access any of Quandl's endpoints directly.

Geting Started

Include the Quandl.php class in your code, and run one of the examples.

To install with composer:

$ composer require dannyben/php-quandl


This is a basic call. It will return a PHP object with price data for AAPL:

$api_key = "YOUR_KEY_HERE";
$quandl = new Quandl($api_key);
$data = $quandl->getSymbol("WIKI/AAPL");

You may pass any parameter that is mentioned in the Quandl documentation:

$quandl = new Quandl($api_key);
$data = $quandl->getSymbol($symbol, [
	"sort_order"      => "desc",
	"rows"            => 10,
	"column_index"    => 4, 

The date range options get a special treatment. You may use any date string that PHP's strtotime() understands.

$quandl = new Quandl($api_key, "csv");
$data = $quandl->getSymbol($symbol, [
	"trim_start" => "today-30 days",
	"trim_end"   => "today",

You can also search the entire Quandl database and get a list of supported symbols in a data source:

$quandl = new Quandl($api_key);
$data = $quandl->getSearch("crude oil");
$data = $quandl->getList("WIKI", 1, 10);

To access any Quandl API endpoint directly, use the get method

$quandl = new Quandl($api_key);
$data = $quandl->get("databases/WIKI");

More examples can be found in the examples.php file


You may provide the quandl object with a cache handler function. This function should be responsible for both reading from your cache and storing to it.

See the example_cache.php file.



The constructor accepts two optional parameters: $api_key and $format:

$quandl = new Quandl("YOUR KEY", "csv");

You may also set these properties later (see below);

Public Properties


$quandl->api_key = "YOUR KEY";

Set your API key


$quandl->format = 'csv';

Set the output format. Can be: csv, xml, json, and object (which will return a php object obtained with json_decode()).


$quandl->force_curl = true;

Force download using curl. By default, we will try to download with file_get_contents if available, and fall back to curl only as a last resort.


$quandl->no_ssl_verify = true;

Disables curl SSL verification. Set to true if you get an error saying "SSL certificate problem".


$quandl->timeout = 60;

Set the timeout for the download operations.


print $quandl->last_url;

Holds the last API URL as requested from Quandl, for debugging.


print $quandl->error;

In case there was an error getting the data from Quandl, the request response will be false and this property will contain the error message.


print $quandl->was_cached;

When using a cache handler, this property will be set to true if the response came from the cache.



mixed get( string $path [, array $params ] )

// Examples
$data = $quandl->get( 'datasets/EOD/QQQ' );
$data = $quandl->get( 'datasets/EOD/QQQ', ['rows' => 5] );

Returns an object containing the response from any of Quandl's API endpoints. The format of the result depends on the value of $quandl->format.

The optional parameters array is an associative key => value array with any of the parameters supported by Quandl.

You do not need to pass auth_token in the array, it will be automatically appended.


mixed getSymbol( string $symbol [, array $params ] )

// Examples
$data = $quandl->getSymbol( 'WIKI/AAPL' );
$data = $quandl->getSymbol( 'WIKI/AAPL', ['rows' => 5] );

Returns an object containing data for a given symbol. The format of the result depends on the value of $quandl->format.

The optional parameters array is an associative key => value array with any of the parameters supported by Quandl.

You do not need to pass auth_token in the array, it will be automatically appended.


mixed getSearch( string $query [, int $page, int $per_page] )

// Examples
$data = $quandl->getSearch( "gold" );
$data = $quandl->getSearch( "gold", 1, 10 );

Returns a search result object. Number of results per page is limited to 300 by default.

Note that currently Quandl does not support CSV response for this node so if $quandl->format is "csv", this call will return a JSON string instead.


mixed getList( string $source [, int $page, int $per_page] )

// Examples
$data = $quandl->getList( 'WIKI' );
$data = $quandl->getList( 'WIKI', 1, 10 );

Returns a list of symbols in a given source. Number of results per page is limited to 300 by default.


mixed getMeta( string $source )

// Example
$data = $quandl->getMeta( 'WIKI' );

Returns metadata about a symbol.


mixed getDatabases( [int $page, int $per_page] )

// Examples
$data = $quandl->getDatabases();
$data = $quandl->getDatabases( 1, 10 );

Returns a list of available databases. Number of results per page is limited to 100 by default.


This feature is only supported with premium databases.

boolean getBulk( string $database, string $path [, boolean $complete] )

// Examples
boolean getBulk( 'EOD', 'eod-partial.zip' );
boolean getBulk( 'EOD', 'eod-full.zip', true );

Downloads the entire database and saves it to a ZIP file. If $complete is true (false by default), it will download the entire database, otherwise, it will download the last day only.