
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Integrates the twig view engine seamlessly with Laravel 4

2.0 2015-11-15 17:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2019-02-20 19:25:42 UTC


Allows you to add Twig parsing to Laravel 4, i much prefer twig to blade for many reasons, and now you can use it too.

The package provides:

  • Twig templates, in all their glory, including inheritance.
  • Automatic template caching.
  • url(), and asset() helper methods for quickly routing resources and links.
  • A full set of form helpers.
  • A call() method that allows you to call any Laravel 4 static method within a template (use it wisely!).


All you need to do to install it, is add the package to your composer.json file:

	"require": {
		"danmatthews/laraveltwigview": "*"

Then run:

php composer.phar update

Then add this line to app/config/app.php, to the providers list:

'providers' => array(

Then that should be it! Enjoy.

Quick Helpers

There's also two handy little helper functions in there:

// Get a URL to a route.
{{ url('route/id') }}

// Get the URL to an asset file (works relative to the public directory).
{{ asset('assets/style.css') }}

Form Helpers:

See the Forms & HTML documentation on how these work.

{{ formOpen() }} {# Laravel Form::open() function #}

{{ formClose() }} {# Laravel Form::close() function #}

{{ formText() }} {# Laravel Form::text() function #}

{{ formToken() }} {# Laravel Form::token() function #}

{{ formLabel() }} {# Laravel Form::label() function #}

{{ formPassword() }} {# Laravel Form::password() function #}

{{ formFile() }} {# Laravel Form::file() function #}

{{ formSelect() }} {# Laravel Form::select() function #}

{{ formSubmit() }} {# Laravel Form::submit() function #}

{{ formHidden() }} {# Laravel Form::hidden() function #}

The call() function.

This allows you to call any static method or any one of Laravel's Facade's through a template, and get the result returned. Use this with caution!

The first argument passed to the call() function would be the classname and method name as a string, such as URL::to or Form::hidden.

Any further arguments that are passed to the function are passed along to the method being called.

{# Call the Laravel Cache::has function to check for a value. #}

{% if (call('Cache::has', 'my.key')) %}
Put the cached values here.
{% else %}
Tell them that there's nothing stored.
{% endif %}

Validation errors

Laravel does this great thing where it passes the $errors variable through to all views, all the time. It however assumes that you're using Blade syntax, so you can do things like:

{{ $errors->first('email') }}

But with twig, we can't call methods, so this packages translates the Laravel errors into something a little more useful, where {{ errors }} is still an array, but you can do things like:

{# Errors array - printing this directly will throw an exception #}

{{ errors }}

{# Get a list of the errors for the email field #}

{% for error in errors.email %} {{ error }} {% endfor %}

{# Get a list of all the errors returned, by field #}

{% for error in errors %}

  {# Print the first error for this field #}
  {% for fieldError in error %}
     {{ fieldError }}
  {% endfor %}

  {# Loop through all the errors for this field #}

{% endfor %}