
Laravel Moodle Client

0.0.3 2022-03-18 14:27 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-18 19:14:53 UTC


This is a fork of ozq/moodle-client

Software License Total Downloads

Laravel laravel-modules
^5.5 ^1.0

daniieljc/laravel-moodle is a Laravel package which created way to interact with moodle through api/webservice.

In adaptation and Work in Progress


To install through Composer, by run the following command:

$ composer require daniieljc/laravel-moodle

The package will automatically register a service provider and alias.

Optionally, publish the package's configuration file by running:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Daniieljc\LaravelMoodle\LaravelMoodleServiceProvider"

Incorrect Documentation below


The recommended way to install the library is through Composer:


Create instance of moodle clients, e.g. REST client:

$client = new RestClient();

If there is no build in needed services and entities, you can create it.
Services must extend Service abstract class, entities (as DTO's) must extend Entity abstract class.

Also, you can use moodle client without service layer:

$courses = $client->sendRequest('core_course_get_courses', $parameters);

Real Example

use Daniieljc\LaravelMoodle\Clients\Adapters\RestClient;
use Daniieljc\LaravelMoodle\Connection;
use Daniieljc\LaravelMoodle\Services\Course;
use Daniieljc\LaravelMoodle\Services\User;

class Moodle
    protected $client;

    public function __construct()
        $this->client = new RestClient();

    public function getAllClient()
        $service = new User($this->client);
        $users = $service->getAll();

    public function getEnRollUser()
        $service = new Course($this->client);
        $courses = $service->getAll();
        foreach ($courses as $course) {
            $enroll = $service->getCourseEnRolledUser($course->id);