danek / feed
Fork feed-io for (PHP >= 7.1 && PHP < 8) - PHP library built to consume and serve JSONFeed / RSS / Atom feeds
- php: >=7.1
- ext-dom: *
- ext-json: *
- ext-libxml: *
- ext-mbstring: *
- guzzlehttp/guzzle: ~6.2|~7.0
- psr/log: ~1.0
This package is auto-updated.
Last update: 2025-02-21 03:24:20 UTC
This is a fork of the version 4 branch, it exists because of the need to run the minimum version of PHP 7.1+ including later versions. The original library handles PHP environments with later versions. The contents of the fork have been purged. It has been stripped of tests and other tools I don't currently use.
This is a PHP library built to consume and serve news feeds. It features:
- JSONFeed / Atom / RSS read and write support
- Feeds auto-discovery through HTML headers
- Multiple feeds reading at once through asynchronous requests
- PSR-7 Response generation with accurate cache headers
- HTTP Headers support when reading feeds in order to save network traffic
- Detection of the format (RSS / Atom) when reading feeds
- Enclosure support to handle external medias like audio content
- Feed logo support (RSS + Atom)
- PSR compliant logging
- Content filtering to fetch only the newest items
- Malformed feeds auto correction
- DateTime detection and conversion
- A generic HTTP ClientInterface
- Guzzle Client integration
Use Composer to add feed-io into your project's requirements :
composer require danek/feed-io
feed-io requires :
- php 7.1+
- psr/log 1.0
- guzzlehttp/guzzle 6.2+
Monolog is not the only library suitable to handle feed-io's logs, you can use any PSR/Log compliant library instead.
Fetching the repository
Do this if you want to contribute (and you're welcome to do so):
git clone https://github.com/jDanek/feed-io.git
cd feed-io/
composer install
feed-io is designed to read feeds across the internet and to publish your own. Its main class is FeedIo :
// create a simple FeedIo instance $feedIo = \Danek\FeedIo\Factory::create()->getFeedIo(); // read a feed $result = $feedIo->read($url); // or read a feed since a certain date $result = $feedIo->readSince($url, new \DateTime('-7 days')); // get title $feedTitle = $result->getFeed()->getTitle(); // iterate through items foreach( $result->getFeed() as $item ) { echo $item->getTitle(); }
In order to save bandwidth, feed-io estimates the next time it will be relevant to read the feed and get new items from it.
$nextUpdate = $result->getNextUpdate(); echo "computed next update: {$nextUpdate->format(\DATE_ATOM)}"; // you may need to access the statistics $updateStats = $result->getUpdateStats(); echo "average interval in seconds: {$updateStats->getAverageInterval()}";
feed-io calculates the next update time by first detecting if the feed was active in the last 7 days and if not we consider it as sleepy. The next update date for a sleepy feed is set to the next day at the same time. If the feed isn't sleepy we use the average interval and the median interval by adding those intervals to the feed's last modified date and compare the result to the current time. If the result is in the future, then it's returned as the next update time. If none of them are in the future, we considered the feed will be updated quite soon, so the next update time is one hour later from the moment of the calculation.
Please note: the fixed delays for sleepy and closed to be updated feeds can be set through Result::getNextUpdate()
arguments, see Result for more details.
Asynchronous reading of several feeds at once
Thanks to Guzzle, feed-io is able to fetch several feeds at once through asynchronous requests. If you're willing to get more information about the way it works, you can read Guzzle's documentation.
To read feeds using asynchronous requests with feed-io, you need to send a pool of \Danek\FeedIo\Async\Request
objects to \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo::readAsync
and handle the result with a \Danek\FeedIo\Async\CallbackInterface
of your own. You can also use \Danek\FeedIo\Async\DefaultCallback
in order to test the feature.
Each \Danek\FeedIo\Async\Request
is a request you want to perform, it embeds the feed's URL and optionnally a \DateTime
to define the modified-since
attribute of the request.
The CallbackInterface
instance needs two methods :
/** * @param Result $result */ public function process(Result $result) : void; /** * @param Request $request * @param \Exception $exception */ public function handleError(Request $request, \Exception $exception) : void;
is called on successful reading and parsing to let you process the result. Otherwise handleError()
will be triggered on faulty calls. Here is an example : PDOCallback
Feeds discovery
A web page can refer to one or more feeds in its headers, feed-io provides a way to discover them :
$feedIo = \Danek\FeedIo\Factory::create()->getFeedIo(); $feeds = $feedIo->discover($url); foreach( $feeds as $feed ) { echo "discovered feed : {$feed}"; }
Or you can use feed-io's command line :
./vendor/bin/feedio discover https://a-website.org
You'll get all discovered feeds in the output.
formatting an object into a XML stream
// build the feed $feed = new Danek\Danek\FeedIo\Feed; $feed->setTitle('...'); // convert it into Atom $atomString = $feedIo->toAtom($feed); // or ... $atomString = $feedIo->format($feed, 'atom');
Adding a StyleSheet
$feed = new \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo\Feed; $feed->setTitle('...'); $styleSheet = new StyleSheet('http://url-of-the-xsl-stylesheet.xsl'); $feed->setStyleSheet($styleSheet);
building a feed including medias
// build the feed $feed = new \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo\Feed; $feed->setTitle('...'); $item = $feed->newItem(); // add namespaces $feed->setNS( 'itunes', //namespace 'http://www.itunes.com/dtds/podcast-1.0.dtd' //dtd for the namespace ); $feed->set('itunes,title', 'Sample Title'); //OR any other element defined in the namespace. $item->addElement('itunes:category', 'Education'); // build the media $media = new \Danek\FeedIo\Feed\Item\Media $media->setUrl('http://yourdomain.tld/medias/some-podcast.mp3'); $media->setType('audio/mpeg'); // add it to the item $item->addMedia($media); $feed->add($item);
Creating a valid PSR-7 Response with a feed
You can turn a \Danek\FeedIo\FeedInstance
directly into a PSR-7 valid response using \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo::getPsrResponse()
$feed = new \Danek\FeedIo\Feed; // feed the beast ... $item = new \Danek\FeedIo\Feed\Item; $item->set ... $feed->add($item); $atomResponse = $feedIo->getPsrResponse($feed, 'atom'); $jsonResponse = $feedIo->getPsrResponse($feed, 'json');
Configure feed-io using the Factory
We saw in the reading section that to get a simple FeedIo
instance we can simply call the Factory
statically and let it return a fresh FeedIo
composed of the main dependencies it needs to work. The problem is that we may want to inject configuration to its underlying components, such as configuring Guzzle to ignore SSL errors.
For that, we will inject the configuration through Factory::create()
parameters, first one being for the logging system, and the second one for the HTTP Client (well, Guzzle).
Configure Guzzle through the Factory
A few lines above, we talked about ignoring ssl errors, let's see how to configure Guzzle to do this:
$feedIo = \Danek\FeedIo\Factory::create( ['builder' => 'NullLogger'], // assuming you want feed-io to keep quiet ['builder' => 'GuzzleClient', 'config' => ['verify' => false]] )->getFeedIo();
It's important to specify the "builder", as it's the class that will be in charge of actually building the instance.
activate logging
feed-io natively supports PSR-3 logging, you can activate it by choosing a 'builder' in the factory :
$feedIo = \Danek\FeedIo\Factory::create(['builder' => 'monolog'])->getFeedIo();
feed-io only provides a builder to create Monolog\Logger instances. You can write your own, as long as the Builder implements BuilderInterface.
Building a FeedIo instance without the factory
To create a new FeedIo instance you only need to inject two dependencies :
- an HTTP Client implementing FeedIo\Adapter\ClientInterface. It can be wrapper for an external library like FeedIo\Adapter\Guzzle\Client
- a PSR-3 logger implementing Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
// first dependency : the HTTP client // here we use Guzzle as a dependency for the client $guzzle = new GuzzleHttp\Client(); // Guzzle is wrapped in this adapter which is a FeedIo\Adapter\ClientInterface implementation $client = new \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo\Adapter\Guzzle\Client($guzzle); // second dependency : a PSR-3 logger $logger = new Psr\Log\NullLogger(); // now create FeedIo's instance $feedIo = new \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo\FeedIo($client, $logger);
Another example with Monolog configured to write on the standard output :
use \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo\FeedIo; use \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo\Adapter\Guzzle\Client; use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient; use Monolog\Logger; use Monolog\Handler\StreamHandler; $client = new Client(new GuzzleClient()); $logger = new Logger('default', [new StreamHandler('php://stdout')]); $feedIo = new FeedIo($client, $logger);
Guzzle Configuration
You can configure Guzzle before injecting it to FeedIo
use \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo\FeedIo; use \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo\Adapter\Guzzle\Client; use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient; use \Psr\Log\NullLogger; // We want to timeout after 3 seconds $guzzle = new GuzzleClient(['timeout' => 3]); $client = new Client($guzzle); $logger = new NullLogger(); $feedIo = new \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo($client, $logger);
Please read Guzzle's documentation to get more information about its configuration.
Caching Middleware usage
To prevent your application from hitting the same feeds multiple times, you can inject Kevin Rob's cache middleware into Guzzle's instance :
use \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo\FeedIo; use \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo\Adapter\Guzzle\Client; use GuzzleHttp\Client As GuzzleClient; use GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack; use Kevinrob\GuzzleCache\CacheMiddleware; use Psr\Log\NullLogger; // Create default HandlerStack $stack = HandlerStack::create(); // Add this middleware to the top with `push` $stack->push(new CacheMiddleware(), 'cache'); // Initialize the client with the handler option $guzzle = new GuzzleClient(['handler' => $stack]); $client = new Client($guzzle); $logger = new NullLogger(); $feedIo = new \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo($client, $logger);
As feeds' content may vary often, caching may result in unwanted behaviors.
Inject a custom Logger
You can inject any Logger you want as long as it implements Psr\Log\LoggerInterface
. Monolog does, but it's the only library : https://packagist.org/providers/psr/log-implementation
use \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo\FeedIo; use \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo\Adapter\Guzzle\Client; use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient; use Custom\Logger; $client = new Client(new GuzzleClient()); $logger = new Logger(); $feedIo = new FeedIo($client, $logger);
Inject a custom HTTP Client
Warning : it is highly recommended to use the default Guzzle Client integration.
If you really want to use another library to read feeds, you need to create your own FeedIo\Adapter\ClientInterface
class to embed interactions with the library :
use \Danek\FeedIo\FeedIo\FeedIo; use Custom\Adapter\Client; use Library\Client as LibraryClient; use Psr\Log\NullLogger; $client = new Client(new LibraryClient()); $logger = new NullLogger(); $feedIo = new FeedIo($client, $logger);
Factory or Dependency Injection ?
Choosing between using the Factory or build FeedIo
without it is a question you must ask yourself at some point of your project. The Factory is mainly designed to let you use feed-io with the lesser efforts and get your first results in a small amount of time. However, it doesn't let you benefit of all Monolog's and Guzzle's features, which could be annoying. Dependency injection will also let you choose another library to handle logs if you need to.
Dealing with missing timezones
Sometimes you have to consume feeds in which the timezone is missing from the dates. In some use-cases, you may need to specify the feed's timezone to get an accurate value, so feed-io offers a workaround for that :
$feedIo->getDateTimeBuilder()->setFeedTimezone(new \DateTimeZone($feedTimezone)); $result = $feedIo->read($feedUrl); $feedIo->getDateTimeBuilder()->resetFeedTimezone();
Don't forget to reset feedTimezone
after fetching the result, or you'll end up with all feeds located in the same timezone.