
A lightweight PHP CLI application framework.






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v4.0.0 2022-07-10 05:13 UTC


A Basic PHP CLI App Framework. This project is dependency free and meant to be a lightweight starting point for PHP CLI applications.

These docs are a work in progress as this project is still in development.

Full Documentation (For Beta Version)

GitHub tag (latest by date) GitHub

Basic Setup

Install with: composer create-project danc0/dcli or download the latest package.

After creating your main file (ex: src/dcli) ensure you make that file executable and optionally add it to your path so you can call your application from anywhere. You will also want to create a Composer autoload file.

The most basic setup uses anonymous functions to process commands.


if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') {

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use App\Core\Application; // Main Application
use App\Core\Config; // Process the config
use App\Core\Command_Request; // Process the Request
use App\Core\Command_Container; // Stores the config and request environment
use App\IO\Output;

// Get any user set config values
$config = Config::load(__DIR__ . '/App/config.ini')->get();

// Load the request into the Command_Container
$Command_Request   = new Command_Request($argv);
$Command_Container = new Command_Container($config, $Command_Request->process());

// Load the Application
$app = Application::load($Command_Container);

// Set the commands
$app->set('hello-world', function () {
    Output::message('Hello World');

// Run the Application

This is the most basic possible usage and does not take advantage of sub commands.

Passing Class@method to Call

This method also does not make use of sub commands but allows you to move your logic into a class.


if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') {

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use App\Core\Application; // Main Application
use App\Core\Config; // Process the config
use App\Core\Command_Request; // Process the Request
use App\Core\Command_Container; // Stores the config and request environment
use App\IO\Output;
use App\Commands\Hello\Test;

// Get any user set config values
$config = Config::load(__DIR__ . '/App/config.ini')->get();

// Load the request into the Command_Container
$Command_Request   = new Command_Request($argv);
$Command_Container = new Command_Container($config, $Command_Request->process());

// Load the Application
$app = Application::load($Command_Container);

// Set the commands
$app->set('hello-world', Test::class . '@test');

// Run the Application

This will call the test method in the Test class.

File Structure Controlled Commands

This method makes use of sub commands. To use the advanced structure a specific project layout is required. Your classes that will handle the commands must be placed in the src/App/Commands directory. The command should be a sub folder. For example, the command hello should be placed in src/App/Commands/Hello. Within that directory a file named Default_Handler.php should be created. This, and all classes in the src/App/Commands directory should implement Command_Handler_Interface. This is the file that will be called on the command hello.

To use a sub command create an additional file with that sub-commands name. For example, hello test would require you to make a file named Test.php with a class of Test in src/App/Commands/Hello. This file will be called to process the sub command.

This requires a minimal setup in the main file.


if (php_sapi_name() !== 'cli') {

require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';

use App\Core\Application; // Main Application
use App\Core\Config; // Process the config
use App\Core\Command_Request; // Process the Request
use App\Core\Command_Container; // Stores the config and request environment

// Get any user set config values
$config = Config::load(__DIR__ . '/App/config.ini')->get();

// Load the request into the Command_Container
$Command_Request   = new Command_Request($argv);
$Command_Container = new Command_Container($config, $Command_Request->process());

// Load the Application
$app = Application::load($Command_Container);

// Run the Application

The Application class handles the logic and routing of the calls.

Passing Arguments

Arguments are treated as key value pairs passed in the the key starting with the -- annotation. Arguments can be passed into the command in the following way:

dcli hello --name "John Smith"
# OR

dcli hello --name John Smith

The command parser will return John Smith for the name argument for either of these approaches.

The command runner will automatically set these variables within your class when it resolves the handler. For example, if you have a Default_Handler with the argument name available the command runner will add the value of name to $this->name within your class.

Passing Flags

Flags are considered booleans as can be passed with either - or -- annotation.

The command runner will automatically set these variables within your class when it resolves the handler. For example, if you have a Default_Handler with the flag v available the command runner will set $this->v to true or false depending on if it was passed or not.


The Command_Container holds information about your Config and your Request Environment. To tell the Command Runner to load this into your handler class you can do one of two things. First you can declare a variable in your class public Command_Container $Command_Container this will be set AFTER the class is instantiated so you will not have access in the constructor, but will in the other methods of your class. If you need this available in your constructor function add Command_Container $Command_Container as a variable that needs to be passed into the class.

Event_Handler Global

The main Application Event_Handler can be injected into your handler classes using the same two techniques outlined above for the Command_Container