
Laravel przelewy24.pl integration

2.0.0 2021-02-28 14:52 UTC


This module makes integration with przelewy24.pl payment system easier. It supports making payments using przelewy24.pl system.


  1. Run

    composer require damianjozwiak/laravel-przelewy24

    in console to install this module

    in section providers

  2. Run

    php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Damianjozwiak\Transfers24\Providers\Transfers24ServiceProvider"

    in your console to publish default configuration files

  3. Open .env and add your configuration:

  • PRZELEWY24_MERCHANT_ID -a Company or an Individual number, who has signed a contract with Przelewy24 (Merchant ID),
  • PRZELEWY24_POS_ID - the identification number of the shop (default: Merchant ID)
  • PRZELEWY24_CRC -a random string, used to calculate a CRC value, shown in Przelewy24 Admin panel.
  • PRZELEWY24_TEST_SERVER - if true, set the test environment
  • PRZELEWY24_URL_RETURN - Return address, where Client will be redirected to, after the transaction is completed (default 'transfers24/callback').
  • PRZELEWY24_URL_STATUS - address where the status of a transaction is sent. It can be omitted if stored in P24 system (default 'transfers24/status').


In order to use the system, you need to do a few things:

  1. You need to launch the registration request in order to init payment

  2. You need to handle customer returning routes to your app. By default there are routes 'transfers24/callback'

  3. You should ensure transaction verify. Here you should send verify request of payment after receiving notification about correct transaction from payment system. You need to handle returning routes to status of the transaction which is sent automatically from payment system. By default there are routes 'transfers24/status'

Registration request

This is main request you need to launch to init payment.

The most basic sample code for authorization request could look like this:

$payment = app()->make(\App\Payment::class);
$registration_request = app()->make(\Damianjozwiak\Transfers24\Requests\Transfers24::class);

$register_payment = $registration_request->setEmail('test@example.com')->setAmount(100)->setArticle('Article Name')->init();

    // save registration parameters in payment object
    return $registration_request->execute($register_payment->getToken(), true);

This code should be run in controller as it's returning response which will takes few things.

  1. Status registration payment

  2. Token, if registration done with success

  3. Error code return from payment system

  4. Error Message return from payment system

  5. Request parameters send to payment system

For setAmount default currency is PLN. If you want to use other currency, you should use currency constant from \Devpark\Transfers24\Currency class as 2nd parameter. Also please notice that amount you should give to this function is real amount (with decimal places) and not converted already to Przelewy24 format.

For \Damianjozwiak\Transfers24\Requests\Transfers24::execute method 2nd parameter decides of redirection to payment system when true or return url for making payment when false

Define customer returning routes

You should create routes that will redirect customer after the completed transaction (those routes will be launched using GET HTTP method),

Handling transaction verify route

To make sure the payment was really successful you should use \Damianjozwiak\Transfers24\Requests\Transfers24::receive method. The simplest code could look like this:

$payment_verify = app()->make(\Damianjozwiak\Transfers24\Requests\Transfers24::class);
$payment_response = $payment_verify->receive($request);

if ($payment_response->isSuccess()) {
    $payment = Payment::where('session_id',$payment_response->getSessionId())->firstOrFail();
   // process order here after making sure it was real payment
echo "OK";

This code should be run in controller, because you should return non-empty response when receiving valid przelewy24 request for transaction verify. As you see, you should make sure it was real payment before you process the order and then you need to make sure that it was successful. You can identify payment via session_id (unique ID generate during registration of payment)).


This package is licenced under the MIT license