
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

PHP wrapper for the steam web API

2.1.1 2015-12-28 17:42 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-23 19:56:31 UTC


#Steam API Wrapper Build Status

A PHP wrapper for the Steam API

It would be great to hear from people that are actively using this. Here is a link to Gitter https://gitter.im/DaMitchell/steam-api-php.

This is v2 of the library and it is pretty much a rewirte that makes it more flexible. It will allow you to do whatever you want to the response whether that is to get an array of map the response onto an object.

I have based all the available commands on what is documented here https://lab.xpaw.me/steam_api_documentation.html.


Install the latest version using Composer by running composer require da-mitchell/steam-api



use GuzzleHttp\Client;
use Steam\Configuration;
use Steam\Runner\GuzzleRunner;
use Steam\Runner\DecodeJsonStringRunner;
use Steam\Steam;
use Steam\Utility\GuzzleUrlBuilder;

$steam = new Steam(new Configuration([
    Configuration::STEAM_KEY => '<insert steam key here>'
$steam->addRunner(new GuzzleRunner(new Client(), new GuzzleUrlBuilder()));
$steam->addRunner(new DecodeJsonStringRunner());

/** @var array $result */
$result = $steam->run(new \Steam\Command\Apps\GetAppList());



Two parameters can be passed to the Configuration object:

  • steam_key, the API key you can get from http://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey.
  • base_steam_api_url, an optional parameter to override http://api.steampowered.com as the base API URL.

As shown above you can set the Steam API key by passing it into the Configuration constructor:

$steam = new Steam(new Configuration([
    Configuration::STEAM_KEY => '<insert steam key here>'


Commands are the essentially classes that describe each endpoint. Each command implements Steam\Command\CommandInterface and has methods that will give the runners its interface, method, version, HTTP method and any params the endpoint requires.

I have implemented all commands for all the of the GET endpoints. Im not really sure which POST ones to implements since I am not really sure how some of them work. So if anyone understands them please implement them and put in a PR and I will add them in..


So runners are pretty simple objects, they implement Steam\Runner\RunnerInterface which has 3 methods, the most important being run. They other 2 are for setting the config object,

The run method has 2 arguments, $command and $result. Obviously $command is the endpoint you request on and $result is the result of the previous runner. This means that the $result of the first runner attached will be null.


Run the tests from the project root with php vendor/bin/phpunit