
Create Simple Content Elements for TYPO3






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dev-master 2023-08-25 13:49 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-07-25 15:41:30 UTC


Webpages ca be seen as a composition of 3 elements: grids building the structure (sections or columns), containers like a card container containing several cards and very often quite simple content elements (like text elements with header and text). Some of these content elements may have the same fields, but they 'behave' differently in different contexts e.g. a text element can be a rendered as 'normal' text or as a card in a card container.

The idea of this extension is to have a simple way to build content elements from scratch, which are easy to configure by integrators easy to use by editors. Instead of using several layout options in the content element itself to make it fit a certain context, the suggestion of this extension is, to build as many content elements as there are contexts in your webpage. By using mainly default fields of the tt_content table, the content type can be easily switched in bulk from TYPO3-default content type to site-package-specific content type and vice versa in the database.

This documentation is about how to create and configure simple content elements with this extension. If you want to know, how to create contexts and limit the usage of content elements to a certain context, I recommend reading the following documentations:


Install this extension via composer require d3m/sce or download it from the TYPO3 Extension Repository (extension name "sce") and activate the extension in the Extension Manager of your TYPO3 installation. Once installed, add custom simple content elements to your site extension (see "Adding your own simple content element").

Adding your own simple content element

  • Go to your site package extension
  • Register your simple content element by adding a configuration file in Configuration/TCA/Overrides/ (e.g. site-package-text.php)
  • Add TypoScript and a Fluid Template for frontend rendering
  • Add an Icon in Resources/Public/Icons (e.g. SitePackageText.svg)

Registration of simple content elements

This is an example for create a text-with-header element. The element is registered with its CType, its name and description and field configuration in form of an array.

\TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility::makeInstance(\D3M\Sce\Tca\Registry::class)-> configureSce(
        new \D3M\Sce\Tca\SceConfiguration(
            'site-package-text', // CType of the simple content element
            'Site Package Text', // Name of the simple content element
            'Insert an element with text and header', // Description for the simple content element
                'header' => [
                    'label' => 'Simple Text Header',
                    'columnOverrides' => [
                        'eval' => 'required,trim',
                'header_layout' => [
                    'columnOverrides' => [
                        'eval' => 'required',
                'bodytext' => [
                    'columnOverrides' => [
                        'enableRichtext' => true,
                        'eval' => 'required,trim',

Field configuration

Additional Methods of the SceConfiguration Object


tt_content.site-package-text =< lib.contentElement
tt_content.site-package-text {
    templateName = SitePackageText
    variables < temp.variables


<f:render partial="Header/All" arguments="{_all}" />

To find out, which variables are available, you can add <f:debug>{_all}</f:debug> in your template.


  • Add configuration for backend rendering
  • Add backend module for bulk changing the CType of content elements e.g. switching from TYPO3-default content type to site-package-specific content type and vice versa


This extension was created by Jan-Philipp Halle (dot3media) in 2020.
The initial implementation heavily bases on the container extension by b13 GmbH.