
An Lightweight Laravel Task Scheduling Package

0.1.0 2017-06-30 07:05 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-03 04:47:44 UTC


An Lightweight Task Scheduler Package for Laravel 5. This package allows you to dispatch all scheduled jobs and run at the time.


Require the package

composer require "cyub/laravel-task-scheduler"

After adding the package, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in config/app.php

'providers' => [

Then, publish the scheduler config and migration the database of scheduler

php artisan scheduler:install


After Install the package, You will find the Configuration in config\scheduler.php

return [
    'enable' => true,
    'schedule_table_name' => 'cron_schedule',
    'schedule_generate_every' => 1,
    'schedule_ahead_for' => 50,
    'schedule_lifetime' => 15,
    'history_cleanup_every' => 10,
    'history_success_lifetime' => 600,
    'history_failure_lifetime' => 600,

    'schedules' => [
        'RegisterRedpacket.activate' => [
            'schedule'  => [
                'cron_expr'   => '*/1 * * * *',
            'run'   => [
                'class' => App\Cron\RegisterRedpacket::class,
                'function'  => 'activate',
                'params'    => ['isSendSmsNotice' => true]
            'description' => 'activate register redpacket'


Dispatch job and run

php artisan scheduler:dispatch

You can use in Cron

* * * * * php /your-application-path/artisan scheduler:dispatch >> /dev/null 2>&1

View the scheduler config

php artisan scheduler:info config

scheduler config

View the scheduler run result stats

php artisan scheduler:info stats

scheduler config

Clean the scheduler cache

php artisan scheduler:clean