
Some default doctrine entity/fields requiring PHP >=8.2 and Doctrine ORM 3.2.

10.0.0 2024-09-10 17:28 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-08 17:31:12 UTC


Some default doctrine entity/fields requiring PHP >=8.2 and Doctrine ORM >=3.2.

For compatibility with Doctrine ORM <3.2 , see version <8.0 of this software.

This includes :

  • AbstractIntId : a mapped superclass with an $id as an integer identifier/primary key;
  • IntId : a trait that adds an $id as an integer identifier/primary key;
  • IntIdInterface : an interface for integer id;
  • Active : a trait that adds an $active boolean field;
  • Available : a trait that adds an $available boolean field;
  • Priority : a trait that adds a $priority integer field;
  • Slug : a trait that adds a $slug text field;
  • Name : a trait that adds a $name text field;
  • Description : a trait that adds a $description text field;
  • NullableDescription : a trait that adds a nullable $description text field;
  • ConnectedAt : two traits that add a $connectedAt field (choose between \DateTime() or \DateTimeImmutable());
  • CreatedAt : two traits that add a $createdAt field (choose between \DateTime() or \DateTimeImmutable());
  • UpdatedAt : two traits that add a $updatedAt field (choose between \DateTime() or \DateTimeImmutable()).

License Type coverage Minimum PHP version


As a Composer depedency

In your project directory run

user@host project$ composer require "cyril-verloop/doctrine-entities"

For development purposes

user@host ~$ cd [PATH_WHERE_TO_PUT_THE_PROJECT] # E.g. ~/projects/
user@host projects$ git clone
user@host projects$ cd doctrine-entities
user@host doctrine-entities$ composer install -o
user@host doctrine-entities$ phive install --trust-gpg-keys 4AA394086372C20A,12CE0F1D262429A5,31C7E470E2138192,8AC0BAA79732DD42,C5095986493B4AA0


There are annotations, attributes and XML mappings. For XML mappings, read below.


The XML file is located in the config/doctrine/ directory. You just have to copy or reference it depending on your needs. If you use Symfony, the XML file just needs to be referenced in the resources/config/packages/doctrine.yaml file :

            app: # your project name.
                        type: xml
                        dir: '%kernel.project_dir%/vendor/cyril-verloop/doctrine-entities/config/doctrine'
                        prefix: CyrilVerloop\DoctrineEntities


You need to copy the require configuration in your XML file.

For example :

<id name="id" type="integer">
    <generator strategy="AUTO" />
        <option name="unsigned">true</option>
<field name="connectedAt" column="connected_at" type="datetime" nullable="true" />
<field name="connectedAt" column="connected_at" type="datetime_immutable" nullable="true" />
<field name="createdAt" column="created_at" type="datetime" />
<field name="createdAt" column="created_at" type="datetime_immutable" />
<field name="updatedAt" column="updated_at" type="datetime" nullable="true" />
<field name="updatedAt" column="updated_at" type="datetime_immutable" nullable="true" />
<field name="active" column="active" type="boolean" />
<field name="available" column="available" type="boolean" />
<field name="priority" column="priority" type="smallint">
        <option name="default">0</option>
<field name="slug" column="slug" type="text" nullable="true" />
<field name="name" column="name" type="text" />
<field name="description" column="description" type="text" />
<field name="description" column="description" type="text" nullable="true" />

You can also look at the resources/mappings/Example.orm.xml file.


AbstractIntId / IntId / IntIdInterface

In version <8.0, IntId was an abstract class. Due to uncertain support of multiple inheritance mapped superclasses in different namespaces, this is now a trait.

If your entities need an integer as an identifier/primary key :

  • they can extend the mapped super class CyrilVerloop\DoctrineEntities\AbstractIntId


namespace MyNamespace;

use CyrilVerloop\DoctrineEntities\AbstractIntId;

class Product extends AbstractIntId
    // Your code here.
  • use the CyrilVerloop\DoctrineEntities\IntId trait


namespace MyNamespace;

use CyrilVerloop\DoctrineEntities\IntId;

class Product
    use IntId;

    public function __construct()
        // Do not forget to initiate the id :
        $this->id = null;
  • implement the CyrilVerloop\DoctrineEntities\IntIdInterface interface


namespace MyNamespace;

use CyrilVerloop\DoctrineEntities\IntIdInterface;

class Product implements IntIdInterface
    // Your code here.

Active / Available / Priority / Slug / Timestampable ...

If your entities need some other fields, they can use a trait.



namespace MyNamespace;

use CyrilVerloop\DoctrineEntities\Available;

class Product
    use Available;

    // Your code here.

Continuous integration


To run the tests :

user@host doctrine-entities$ ./tools/phpunit -c ./ci/phpunit.xml

The generated outputs will be in ./ci/phpunit/. Look at ./ci/phpunit/html/index.html for code coverage and ./ci/phpunit/testdox.html for a verbose list of passing / failing tests.

To run mutation testing, you must run PHPUnit first, then :

user@host doctrine-entities$ ./tools/infection -c./ci/infection.json

The generated outputs will be in ./ci/infection/.

Static analysis

To do a static analysis :

user@host doctrine-entities$ ./tools/psalm -c ./ci/psalm.xml [--report=./psalm/psalm.txt --output-format=text]

Use "--report=./psalm/psalm.txt --output-format=text" if you want the output in a file instead of on screen.


To generate the PHPDoc :

user@host doctrine-entities$ ./tools/phpdocumentor --config ./ci/phpdoc.xml

The generated HTML documentation will be in ./ci/phpdoc/.


All PHP files in this project follows PSR-12. To indent the code :

user@host doctrine-entities$ ./tools/phpcbf --standard=PSR12 --extensions=php -p ./src/ ./tests/