
Symfony2 bundle for easy translating symfony-docs into other languages.

dev-master 2012-06-06 08:38 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-15 15:02:18 UTC


This Symfony2 bundle allows you to easily translate symfony documentation into other languages.

What's inside?

  • Combined file manager
  • Fancy double-editor with combined text-scroll
  • Built-in theme for docs
  • Commands for generating and fetching docs
  • File tracking feature
  • Visual translation widget


Add DarkTranslationBundle to your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "cursedcoder/dark-translation-bundle": "*"

Register bundle in your app/AppKernel.php:


public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Dark\TranslationBundle\DarkTranslationBundle(),

Add bundle to your routing.yml:

    resource: "@DarkTranslationBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"

Set up an url for your fork and local path for docs that you would like to translate in config.yml:

# app/config.yml
        # you should preset url for your fork here, example 'lang_tag: fork_url'
        ru: ''
       base_dir: %kernel.root_dir%/../docs
       from: %kernel.root_dir%/../docs/symfony-docs
       to: %kernel.root_dir%/../docs/symfony-docs-ru # change lang_tag here
        path: %kernel.root_dir%/../docs/build

You need to create an empty file named info.dat to your base_dir folder. This file will be used for tracking changes in your translations.

Then run command:

php app/console dark-translation:fetch-docs en ru

replace ru with your lang-tag.

And do not forget about assets:

php app/console assets:install web/ --symlink

Documentation Building

Build all the html sources with sphinx in order to see how docs look like. Be sure to have sphinx installed on your local machine. If not, run:

easy_install -U sphinx
easy_install -U sphinxcontrib-phpdomain

Now you are ready to generate the html sources with:

php app/console dark-translation:build-docs


You can see a production demo here.