
Lightning deploy methodology for Laravel

dev-master 2019-07-11 20:39 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-05-12 08:10:15 UTC



Laravel Lightning Deploy

A simple methodology to deploy single page apps in Laravel using the lightning deploy strategy.


Installation is pretty simple. Just run the following command:

composer require curiousminds/lightning-deploy
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=curiousminds/lightning-deploy

After that, simply add your configuration, and you are all set.

What does it do?

This package provides a configurable route that will pull statically generated page content from your Redis store. It will add the appropriate headers so that client-side content is not cached. (This will be configurable in future versions of the package).


There are two options which may be set: lightning_deploy_key, and the lightning_deploy_url.

  • lightning_deploy_key is the Redis key which contains the desired version of the app. This is typically set when you build your single page application.

  • The lightning_deploy_url option tells the laravel app what path you would like the single page app to appear on. / is set by default. (placing the application on the root url.)