
Coder is library for code-generation, e.g. add property to class, parameter to method, value to array and etc.

0.3.0 2021-02-15 20:02 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-16 02:40:30 UTC


Coder is library for code-generation, e.g. add property to class, parameter to method, value to array and etc. Library is based on Rector.


This library should be installed as a dependency using Composer:

composer.phar require crmplease/coder --dev

Get started

The facade class of this library is Coder, you need to just create it and call methods, example:

use Crmplease\Coder\Coder;

$coder = Coder::create();
    // path in array
    ['level1', 'level2.1'],


In all methods value can be:

  • int
  • float
  • string
  • instance of Constant class (see below)
  • instance of Code class (see below)
  • array of arrays or types above with keys of types below

In all methods key can be:

  • int
  • string
  • instance of Constant class (see below)

In all methods path is a path in array, if path not found, then it will be added. Path is array, so if we use path ['level1', 'level2'], then empty array became:

    'level1' => [
        'level2' => [
            // key => value or value will be added here

Use empty path if you want to change root level in array.

Parts of the path can be same as key:

  • int
  • string
  • instance of Constant class (see below)

If you need to pass code, which will be added as is, then you can use Code class:

use Crmplease\Coder\Code;

new Code('$a = $b;');

If you need to pass some constant, the you can use Constant class :

use Crmplease\Coder\Constant;

new Constant('\Some\ClassName::class');

Add to file return array by order

    // path in array
    ['level1.1', 'level2.1'],
    // value to add

If value 'newValue' already exists in array, then nothing changed.


// file /path/to/file.php
return [
    'level1.1' => [
        'level2.1' => [
    'level1.2' => [


// file /path/to/file.php
return [
    'level1.1' => [
        'level2.1' => [
    'level1.2' => [

Add to method return array by order

    __DIR__ . '/path/to/ClassName.php',
    // method name
    // path in array
    ['level1.1', 'level2.1'],
    // value to add

If value 'newValue' already exists in array, then nothing changed.


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    public function getArray(): array
        return [
            'level1.1' => [
                'level2.1' => [
            'level1.2' => [


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    public function getArray(): array
        return [
            'level1.1' => [
                'level2.1' => [
            'level1.2' => [

Add to property array by order

    __DIR__ . '/path/to/ClassName.php',
    // property name
    // path in array
    ['level1.1', 'level2.1'],
    // value to add

If value 'newValue' already exists in array, then nothing changed.


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    protected $array = [
        'level1.1' => [
            'level2.1' => [
        'level1.2' => [


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    protected $array = [
        'level1.1' => [
            'level2.1' => [
        'level1.2' => [

Add to file return array by key

    // path in array
    ['level1.1', 'level2.1'],
    // key to add
    // value to add

If key 'newKey' already exists in array, then value for this key will be changed to 'newValue'.


// file /path/to/file.php
return [
    'level1.1' => [
        'level2.1' => [
            'existsKey' => 'existsValue',
    'level1.2' => [
        'key' => 'value',


// file /path/to/file.php
return [
    'level1.1' => [
        'level2.1' => [
            'existsKey' => 'existsValue',
            'newKey' => 'newValue',
    'level1.2' => [
        'key' => 'value',

Add to method return array by key

    __DIR__ . '/path/to/ClassName.php',
    // method name
    // path in array
    ['level1.1', 'level2.1'],
    // key to add
    // value to add

If key 'newKey' already exists in array, then value for this key will be changed to 'newValue'.


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    public function getArray(): array
        return [
            'level1.1' => [
                'level2.1' => [
                    'existsKey' => 'existsValue',
            'level1.2' => [
                'key' => 'value',


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    public function getArray(): array
        return [
            'level1.1' => [
                'level2.1' => [
                    'existsKey' => 'existsValue',
                    'newKey' => 'newValue',
            'level1.2' => [
                'key' => 'value',

Add to property array by key

    __DIR__ . '/path/to/ClassName.php',
    // property name
    // path in array
    ['level1.1', 'level2.1'],
    // key to add
    // value to add

If key 'newKey' already exists in array, then value for this key will be changed to 'newValue'.


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    protected $array = [
        'level1.1' => [
            'level2.1' => [
                'existsKey' => 'existsValue',
        'level1.2' => [
            'key' => 'value',


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    protected $array = [
        'level1.1' => [
            'level2.1' => [
                'existsKey' => 'existsValue',
                'newKey' => 'newValue',
        'level1.2' => [
            'key' => 'value',

Add property to class

use Crmplease\Coder\Rector\AddPropertyToClassRector;

    // property name
    // pass true if property should be static
    // default value for property, skip it or pass null if isn't needed
    // property type in Phpdoc
    // property description in Phpdoc

If property exists, then property will be updated.


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    protected $existsProperty;


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    protected $existsProperty;
     * @var string description
    private $newProperty = 'newValue';

Add parameter to method:

    // method name
    // parameter name
    // parameter type
    // if parameter has default value, then true
    // parameter default value

If parameter exists, then type will be checked. If it's different, then RectorException will be thrown. If it's equal, then default value will be changed.


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    public function __construct(int $existsParameter = 123) {}


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    public function __construct(int $existsParameter = 123, ?string $newParameter = 'newValue') {}

Add code to the end of method

    // method name
    // code as string
    '$this->newProperty = $newParameter;'

In simple cases code duplicates is checked (when you try to add one line code).


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    protected $existsProperty;
    private $newProperty;

    public function __construct(int $existsParameter = 123, ?string $newParameter = 'newValue')
        $this->existsProperty = $existsParameter;


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    protected $existsProperty;
    private $newProperty;

    public function __construct(int $existsParameter = 123, ?string $newParameter = 'newValue')
        $this->existsProperty = $existsParameter;
        $this->newProperty = $newParameter;

Add method to class

use Crmplease\Coder\Rector\AddMethodToClassRector;

    // method name
    // pass true if method should be static
    // pass true if method should be abstract
    // pass true if method should be final
    // method return type
    // return description
    'return description',
    // method description
    'method description'

If method exists, then signature and Phpdoc will be updated.


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
     * Exists description
     * @return int exists return description
    public function existsMethod(): int
        return 0;


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
     * Exists description
     * @return int exists return description
    public function existsMethod(): int
        return 0;
     * method description
     * @return int return description
    public function newMethod(): int
        return 0;

Add Phpdoc param to method

    // method name
    // parameter, for which need to add Phpdoc
    // parameter type
    // description for parameter
    'some description'

If Phpdoc for parameter already exists, then it will be removed and added again.


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
     * @param int $existsParameter
    public function __construct(int $existsParameter = 123, ?string $newParameter = 'newValue') {}


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
     * @param int $existsParameter
     * @param string|null $newParameter some description
    public function __construct(int $existsParameter = 123, ?string $newParameter = 'newValue') {}

Add Phpdoc property to class

use \Crmplease\Coder\PhpdocProperty;
    new PhpdocProperty(
        // property name
        // property type, default is mixed
        // description for property
        'some description'

If Phpdoc for property already exists, then it will be updated.


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
 * @property int $existsProperty
class ClassName {}


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
 * @property int $existsProperty
 * @property string|null $newProperty some description
class ClassName {}

You can add several properties:

use \Crmplease\Coder\PhpdocProperty;
        new PhpdocProperty('newProperty1'),
        new PhpdocProperty('newProperty2'),

Add Phpdoc method to class

use \Crmplease\Coder\PhpdocMethod;
use \Crmplease\Coder\PhpdocMethodParameter;
    new PhpdocMethod(
        // method name
        // return type, default is mixed
        // true if should be static
        // array of parameters
            new PhpdocMethodParameter(
                // parameter name
                // parameter type
                // has default value if true
                // default value
        // description for method
        'some description'

If Phpdoc for method already exists, then it will be updated.


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
 * @method int existsMethod()
class ClassName {}


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
 * @method int existsMethod()
 * @method string|null newMethod(int $parameter1 = 0) some description
class ClassName {}

You can add several methods:

use \Crmplease\Coder\PhpdocMethod;
        new PhpdocMethod('newMethod1'),
        new PhpdocMethod('newMethod2'),

Add trait to class


If trait is already used, then nothing will be changed.


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    use \Some\ExistsTraitName;


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    use \Some\ExistsTraitName;
    use \Some\NewTraitName;

Remove trait from class


If trait isn't used, then nothing will be changed.


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName
    use \Some\ExistsTraitName;


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName

Change class parent

    __DIR__ . '/../src/Mougrim/TestClass.php',

If parent doesn't exists, then it will be added.


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName extends \Some\ParentClass {}


// file /path/to/ClassName.php
class ClassName extends \Some\OtherClass {}

More complex example

More complex example with constants and code:

use Crmplease\Coder\Code;
use Crmplease\Coder\Constant;

    // path in array
    ['level1.1', new Constant('\Some\ClassName::class')],
    // value to add
        new Constant('\Some\ClassName::SOME_CONSTANT'),
        new Code('Rule::unique(\'countries\')->ignore($country->getKey())'),

If value 'newValue' already exists in array, then nothing changed.


// file /path/to/file.php
return [
    'level1.1' => [
        \Some\OtherClass::class => ['value'],
        \Some\ClassName::class => [
    'level1.2' => [


// file /path/to/file.php
return [
    'level1.1' => [
        \Some\OtherClass::class => ['value'],
        \Some\ClassName::class => [
    'level1.2' => [


You can provide config object when create coder:

use Crmplease\Coder\Coder;
use Crmplease\Coder\Config;

$config = new Config();
$coder = Coder::create($config);

Disable progress bar

By default rector shows progress bar when change files. You can disable it:

use Crmplease\Coder\Config;

$config = (new Config())

Auto import classes

By default auto import classes is disabled by config/rector.php. You can change default value or use mapping/callback for enable/disable auto import classes:

use Crmplease\Coder\Config;

$config = (new Config())
    // use default value
    // always auto import
    // newer auto import
            // auto import this file
            '/path/to/file/with/enabled/auto/import/classes.php' => true,
            // doesn't auto import this file
            '/path/to/file/with/disabled/auto/import/classes.php' => false,
            // use default value
            '/path/to/file/with/defaul/auto/import/classes.php' => null,
        static function (string $file): ?bool {
            // some logic
            // if null is returned, then default value will be used
            return $result;
    ->setAutoImport([SomeClass::class, 'method']);

Path to rector config path

Rector config file for coder is config/rector.php. You can provide path to your own config file with redeclare values from config/rector.php or add new one:

use Crmplease\Coder\Config;

$config = (new Config())

For more information about rector configuration see rector documentation.


If you want to auto import classes, then change parameters.auto_import_names to true in config/rector.php.

You can run Rector using command line interface:

vendor/bin/rector process --config path/to/project/rector.php\\
   --autoload-file path/to/project/vendor/autoload.php\\
   --only "\Crmplease\Coder\Rector\AddToReturnArrayByOrderRector"\\

But command line interface doesn't allow to pass parameters to rectors. You can pass parameters using setters in config file config/rector.php config. For example:

    // ...
        ->call('setMethod', ['getArray'])
        ->call('setPath', ['level1', 'level2'])
        ->call('setValue', ['newValue']);
    // ...


Config for AddToFileReturnArrayByOrderRector:

  • setPath: path in array where need to add value
  • setValue: value, which need to add to return array


Config for AddToReturnArrayByOrderRector:

  • setMethod: method name, to which need to add value/constant to return array, method should have only one return statement, which return array
  • setPath: path in array where need to add value
  • setValue: value, which need to add to return array


Config for AddToPropertyArrayByOrderRector:

  • setProperty: property name, to which need to add value/constant, property should be array
  • setPath: path in array where need to add value
  • setValue: value, which need to add to return array


Config for AddToFileReturnArrayByKeyRector:

  • setPath: path in array where need to add key => value
  • setKey: key, by which need to add to return array
  • setValue: value, which need to add to return array by key


Config for AddToReturnArrayByKeyRector:

  • setMethod: method name, to which need to add value/constant to return array by key, method should have only one return statement, which return array
  • setPath: path in array where need to add key => value
  • setKey: key, by which need to add to return array
  • setValue: value, which need to add to return array by key


Config for AddToPropertyArrayByKeyRector:

  • setProperty: property name, to which need to add value/constant by key, property should be array
  • setPath: path in array where need to add key => value
  • setKey: key, by which need to add to property array
  • setValue: value, which need to add to property array by key


Config for AddPropertyToClassRector:

  • setProperty: property name which need to add
  • setVisibility: property visibility 'public', 'protected' or 'private', default is 'private'
  • setIsStatic: is property static or no, true or false, default false
  • setValue: default property value, don't pass it if isn't needed
  • setType: property type in Phpdoc, can be class name started with '\' or scalar type, can by autodetected by default value
  • setDescription: property description in Phpdoc


Config for AddParameterToMethodRector:

  • setMethod: method name, to which need to add parameter
  • setParameter: parameter name which need to add
  • setParameterType: parameter type which need to add, can be class name started with '\' or scalar type
  • setHasValue: has default value or not, true or false, default true
  • setValue: default parameter value


Config for AddCodeToMethodRector:

  • setMethod: method name, to which need to add code
  • setCode: code which need to add


Config for AddMethodToClassRector:

  • setMethod: method name which need to add
  • setVisibility: method visibility 'public', 'protected' or 'private', default is 'private'
  • setIsStatic: is method static or no, true or false, default false
  • setIsAbstract: is method abstract or no, true or false, default false
  • setIsFinal: is method final or no, true or false, default false
  • setReturnType: method return type, can be class name started with '\' or scalar type or void
  • setReturnDescription: return description in Phpdoc
  • setDescription: method description in Phpdoc


Config for AddTraitToClassRector:

  • setTrait: trait name, to which need to add to class


Config for RemoveTraitFromClassRector:

  • setTrait: trait name, to which need to remove from class


Config for AddPhpdocParamToMethodRector:

  • setMethod: method name, to which Phpdoc need to add parameter
  • setParameter: parameter name which need to add to Phpdoc
  • setParameterType: parameter type which need to add to Phpdoc, can be class name started with '\' or scalar type, collections, union type
  • setDescription: description for param in Phpdoc


Config for AddPhpdocPropertyToClassRector:

  • setProperty: property name which need to add to Phpdoc
  • setPropertyType: property type which need to add to Phpdoc, can be class name started with '\' or scalar type, collections, union type
  • setDescription: description for property in Phpdoc


Config for AddPhpdocMethodToClassRector:

  • setMethod: method name which need to add to Phpdoc
  • setReturnType: method return type which need to add to Phpdoc, can be class name started with '\' or scalar type, collections, union type
  • setIsStatic: is method static or no, true or false, default false
  • setParameters: array of PhpdocMethodParameter objects
  • setDescription: description for method in Phpdoc


Config for ChangeClassParentRector:

  • setParentClass: new parent class name