
Using this package easily we can implement contact form in your project

0.1.1 2021-11-04 12:04 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-04 19:19:16 UTC


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This package designed for manipulate multiple forms with simple configurations.This package includes Notification with Attachments,File upload,Form Validation,


You can install the package via composer:

composer require creativehandles/ch-contact-form

Then build plugin environment and publish its resources

php artisan creativehandles:build-ch-contact-forms


After installation, you can see the default ch-contact-form.php config file under the config directory. This is the most important part of this package. By Editing this file you can create multiple contact forms much as you want.

Basic config file structure

Here is the basic structure of the config file.This file mainly contains two important part

1.Default Configurations

2.Form Blocks


/** Default Values **/
	'default' => [
		'storage' => 'local',
		'path' => 'temp',
		'file_name' => md5(uniqid(time())),
		'locale' => 'cs',  // Set `Content-locale` header to override this value
/** END Default Values **/

/** START Form BLOCK Configuration */
'YOUR_FORM_NAME' => [ 			// 1
	'recaptcha' => [..],		// 2
	'param' => [..],			// 3
	'attachments' => [..],		// 4
	'message_on' => [..],		// 5
	'notifications' => [..],	// 6
/** END Form BLOCK Configuration*/

FormBlock Configuraion

NOTE - default values applied when related values are not presented


    This is your form name and it should be unique value.When you are calling this form via API you need to pass this key name under request form_name parameter the plugin pick related configurations.

/** START Form BLOCK Configuration */
		//other configurations
/** END Form BLOCK Configuration*/
  1. Recaptcha

    This configuration allows you to have google recaptcha V2,V3 validation into your form. First of all you need to enabled google recaptcha inside your app by providing below configuration inside your services.php configuration file. NOTE : You need to install "google/recaptcha": "^1.2", library in your app in order to work recaptcha

    composer require google/recaptcha": "^1.2


'google' => [
	'recaptcha' => [
		'site_key' => env('GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SITE_KEY'),
		'secret_key' => env('GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY'),
		'default_score_threshold' =>env('GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_DEFAULT_SCORE_THRESHOLD'),
		'default_challenge_timeout' => env('GOOGLE_RECAPTCHA_DEFAULT_CHALLENGE_TIMEOUT')

By setting enabled to TRUE recaptcha can be enabled inside your form. Then you need to add the following values to work it properly otherwise recaptcha will not work. action value which is you provide to the recaptcha JS library. After doing a successful API call the google recaptcha will return recaptcha token. Then you need to pass that token to the plugin to validate the form with recaptcha. Therefore backend need to identify token field name which is included form request itself.You can define that field by providing that field name under the token_field key.

By default recaptcha enables for version V2. if you need to use version V3, Provide v3 under version key.

'recaptcha' =>[
	'enabled' => false,
	'action' => 'ACTION',
	'token_field' => 'TOKEN_FIELD_NAME',
	'version'=> null,  //v2 or v3 
  1. Param

    Under this key, You can define your form field names with their backend validation rules. you can use the field name as a key and backend validation as a value

'param' => [
	//'field_name' => 'FIELD_VALIDATION_RULES'
	'name' => 'required|string',
	'file' => 'sometimes|nullable|file|mimes:docx,doc,odt,pdf,jpeg,png',
  1. Attachments

    If your form contains file uploads you can choose how to save that.

'attachments' => [

	/** START Attachment block */
		'field' => 'FILE_UPLOAD_FIELD_NAME',
		'save' => [
			'file' => [
				'name' => 'original',
				'given_name' => null
			'in' => [
				'path' => null,
				'disk' => null
	/** END Attachment Block */

Therefore you need to pass the request file upload form field exact name under the field key. To determine how to save that file in your storage you can use save array key. name key which is located under field array key can have three main value random | given | original its functions as follows

  • random - this will generate random file names to your file on save
  • original - this will take uploaded file name as a save filename
  • give - if you choose this you can provide your desired name as a save file name under the given_name key. If not default file name will be applied to the file generated under the default->file_name key
'file' => [
	'name' => 'original',
	'given_name' => null

To determine where to save the file by using in array key. You can specify the save path and the disk. Default values will be applied if array key values are not presented

'in' => [
	'path' => null,
	'disk' => null
  1. Message On

    These values will be returned when form action Success or Fails

'message_on' => [
	'success' => 'Form Submission Successful',
	'fail' => 'Form Submission Unsuccessful',
  1. Notifications

You can also send notifications with this plugin. Therefore you need to add notification configuration blocks.

'notifications' => [

	/** START Notification Block */
		'notify' => [
			'form_input' => true,
			'values' => 'email'
		'attachments' => [
				'type' => 'url',
				'link' => 'FILE_URL'
				'type' => 'local',
				'field' => 'FILE_NAME_FIELD_ON_REQUEST',
				'disk' => 'FILE_SAVE_DISK',
				'delete_on_success' => true,
				'link' => null
	/** END Notification Block */

You can use your own notification class, Therefore you need to pass the notification class namespace under name key.then you can choose who needs to get notified by configuring notify key

'notify' => [
	'form_input' => true,
	'values' => 'email'

if you use form filed value as a notifier you need to set form_input key as a TRUE then under thevalues key you need to pass that form field name as a value. Or else you can set form_input as a FALSE and give some emails by separating using comma( ,)

if you are planning to send some attachments via notification. You can do that by using the attachments object located inside the notification object. Also need to call the following method inside the notification notify method in order to add that attachment to the notification. By default, the plugin injects form data into the notification construct method.


below example show mail notification example.

/** This is a Notification Class */
public  $data; // form data injected by plugin

public  function  __construct(array  $data)
	$this->data = $data;

public  function  toMail($notifiable)
	$mail = (new  MailMessage)
	return  \Creativehandles\ChContactForm\ChContactFormFacade::pushAttachments($mail,$this->data);
'attachments' => [
		'type' => 'url',
		'link' => 'FILE_URL'
		'type' => 'local',
		'disk' => 'FILE_SAVE_DISK',
		'delete_on_success' => true

You can attach form input file or External file from URL

  • To attach form request input file. Do following configuration Set type as a local then provide form field name under the field key. Then file save disk under the disk key. If you wish to delete file attachment from your storage on the notification sent then set delete_on_success to TRUE.

  • To attach external file from external url Set type as a url. finally place url under the link key

How to make api call for created form

The plugin has provided an API endpoint to call your form. To identify your form you need to pass your form name under the form_name request parameter along with the request

Endpoint - BASE_URL/api/v1/forms Method - POST Header - Content-locale:YOUR_LOCAL //header not presented default locale will be applied from plugin config Form param -

	"form_name": "YOUR_FORM_NAME", //must include this
	......other form fields.......


  • 403 - Invalid Recaptcha
  • 200 - Form Submission Successful
  • 422 - Validation Error
  • 500 - Internal Server Error

NOTE - By providing Content locale header you can pass localize notification

Full Configuration File


return [
	/** Default Values **/
	'default' => [
		'storage' => 'local',
		'path' => 'temp',
		'file_name' => md5(uniqid(time())),
		'locale' => 'cs'  // Set `Content-locale` header to override this value
	/** END Default Values **/

	/** START Form BLOCK Configuration */
		'recaptcha' =>[
			'enabled' => false,
			'action' => 'ACTION',
			'token_field' => 'TOKEN_FIELD_NAME',
			'version'=> null,  //v2 or v3 | By default v2
		'param' => [
			//'field_name' => 'FIELD_VALIDATION_RULES'
			'name' => 'required|string',
		'attachments' => [
			/** START Attachment block */
			'field' => 'FILE_UPLOAD_FIELD_NAME',
			'save' => [
				'file' => [
					'name' => 'original', // random|original|given
					'given_name' => null
				'in' => [
					'path' => null,
					'disk' => null
			/** END Attachment Block */
		'message_on' => [
			'success' => 'Form Submission Successful',
			'fail' => 'Form Submission Unsuccessful',
		'notifications' => [
			/** START Notification Block */
				'notify' => [
					'form_input' => true,
					'values' => 'email'
				'attachments' => [
						'type' => 'url',
						'link' => 'FILE_URL'
						'type' => 'local',
						'field' => 'FILE_NAME_FIELD_ON_REQUEST',
						'disk' => 'FILE_SAVE_DISK',
						'delete_on_success' => true,
						'link' => null
			/** END Notification Block */
		/** END Form BLOCK Configuration*/


composer test


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Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.