
Get list of running processes by name or pid, supports windows and unix

v2.0.0 2023-04-17 19:51 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-30 00:49:45 UTC


Build Status

Get list of running processes by name or pid, supports windows and unix

I struggled to find a library that returns the processes list for the operating system. My use case was to find if my spawned process was running or not.


// Include your autoload 
require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use \Craftpip\ProcessHandler\ProcessHandler;
use \Symfony\Component\Process\Process;

// Initialize your library
$processHandler = new ProcessHandler();

// Spawn a process and check if a process by its pid exists.
$symfonyProcess = new Process('ls');
$pid = $symfonyProcess->getPid(); // 8378

$process = $processHandler->getProcess($pid);
    $name = $process->getName();
    $pid = $process->getPid();
    $mem_used = $process->getMemUsed();
    $cpu_time = $process->getCpuTime();
    $session = $process->getSession();
    $session_name = $process->getSessionName();
    $status = $process->getStatus();
    $username = $process->getUsername();
    $window_title = $process->getWindowTitle();
    $is_running = $process->isRunning();
    returns the following on UNIX
    [0] => Array
                [name] => [sh] <defunct>
                [pid] => 8378
                [session_name] => 
                [session] => 6065
                [mem_used] => 0 KB
                [status] => RUNNING
                [username] => root
                [cpu_time] => 00:00:00
                [window_title] => 
    returns the following on WINDOWS
    [0] => Array
                [name] => cmd.exe
                [pid] => 6380
                [session_name] => Console
                [session] => 1
                [mem_used] => 3,504 K
                [status] => Unknown
                [username] => BONIFACE-PC\boniface
                [cpu_time] => 0:00:00
                [window_title] => N/A

    returns the following on macOS
    [0] => Array
                [name] => (sh)
                [pid] => 62951
                [session_name] =>
                [session] => 0
                [mem_used] => 0 KB
                [status] => RUNNING
                [username] => username
                [cpu_time] => 0:00.00
                [window_title] =>
    // process was not found.

// get all processes 
$allProcesses = $processHandler->getAllProcesses();


$processHandler = new ProcessHandler();


Run the composer command

composer require craftpip/process-handler

ProcessHandler can be installed with Composer by adding the library as a dependency to your composer.json file.

    "require": {
        "craftpip/process-handler": "~1.0"


Please feel free to contribute or make additions.

Copyright and license

Copyright (C) 2017 Boniface Pereira

Licensed under the MIT license.