
The simple PHP Framework for routing, control, database access, auth and more

dev-master 2019-02-24 21:21 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-25 09:20:30 UTC


The simple PHP framework for routing, control, database access, auth and more




License: BSD 3-Clause


  • PHP 5.5+
  • Lcobucci/JWT (v 3.2) library for token authentication


With Composer:

composer require costamilam/alpha:dev-master



//Include a composer autoload
require_once './vendor/autoload.php';

//Import the App class
use Costamilam\Alpha\App;

//Start aplication passing the mode ('prod' for production or 'dev' for development)

//Get formatted application start date, the default is 'Y-m-d H:i:s.u'


//Import the necessary classes
use Costamilam\Alpha\Router;

//Load file based on path (not accepted regex)
Router::fromFile('/foo', './router/foo.php');

//Create a route by defining the method, route, and callback
Router::set('GET', '/my/route/', function () {

//Define more than one method
Router::set(array('GET', 'POST'), '/my/route/', function () {
Method Function Description
Enumeration Router::set Define one or more HTTP method
Any Router::any Any HTTP method
GET Router::get GET HTTP method
POST Router::post POST HTTP method
PUT Router::put PUT HTTP method
DELETE Router::delete DELETE HTTP method
PATCH Router::patch PATCH HTTP method
OPTIONS Router::options OPTIONS HTTP method
CONNECT Router::connect CONNECT HTTP method
TRACE Router::trace TRACE HTTP method
//Using parameters with '{}'
Router::get('/{foo}/', function () {
}, array(
    //Optionally, define the RegExp or function to validate the parameters (of path or body), if you don't use, the default is '[^\/]+' for path parameters and body parameter is not validate
    'param' => array(
        'foo' => '[a-z]+',
        //Disconsidered, because there is no parameter 'bar'
        'bar' => function($param) {
            return strtoupper($param) === 'BAR';
    'body' => array(
        //Defined parameters are required by default, add the character '?' in the end to make it optional
        'foo?' => '[a-zA-Z0-9_.]{3,10}',
        //Get the parameter by reference to format it
        'bar' => function (&$param) {
            $param = strtoupper($param);

            return $param === 'BAR';

//Define default RegExp or function to validate all path parameters 'bar'
Router::addPathParamValidator('foo', '[0-9]*');

//Define default RegExp or function to validate all body parameters 'bar'
Router::addBodyParamValidator('bar', function($param) {
    return $param === 'bar';

//The callback function recive a parameter and has return if it is valid, you can receive the parameter as a reference (&$param) to format and validate
Router::addBodyParamValidator('baz', function(&$param) {
    $param = strtoupper($param);

    return $param === 'BAZ';

//Set optional param with '?'
Router::get('/{foo}/{bar}?/', function () {
	//If request is '/theFOO/'
	//	  'foo' => 'theFOO',
	//	  'bar' => null

//You can pass regexp in the route, but it is not a parameter
Router::get('/{foo}/[0-9]+/', function () {
	//	  'foo' => 'The value of {foo}'

//Optionally, execute similar routes by adding '.*' at the end of the route, for request '/foo/bar/'
Router::get('/foo/.*', function () {
	//It is executed
Router::get('/foo/bar/', function () {
	//But it is not executed

//Middleware, you can call Router::next to execute the next function, passing parameters received as arguments
Router::get('/foo/.*', function () {
	Router::next('bar', 'baz');
Router::get('/foo/bar/', function ($bar, $baz) {
	//$bar === 'bar';
	//$baz === 'baz';

//To use an external function, pass namespace, the type ('->' for instance or '::' for static) and the function name as string
Router::get('/foo/', 'Namespace\To\Foo::getStaticFoo');
Router::get('/foo/', 'Namespace\To\Foo->getInstanceFoo');
Router::get('/foo/', 'Namespace\To\Foo->getInstanceBar');

//In '/Namespace/To/Foo.php' ...
namespace Namespace\To;

class Foo {
	private $foobar = 'Foo';

	public static function getStaticFoo() {
		echo 'Static Foo!!!';

		return true;

	public function getInstanceFoo() {
		echo 'Instance '.$this->foobar;     //Instance Foo

		$this->foobar = 'Bar';              //Change foobar

		return true;

	public function getInstanceBar() {
		echo 'Instance '.$this->foobar;     //Instance Bar

The created instance is saved for reuse. You can use DI (Dependence Injection) by pre-creating the object:

use Namespace\To\Foo;

Router::addInstance('Namespace\To\Foo', new Foo('foo'));
//Or using aliases
Router::addInstance('AliasFoo', new Foo('foo'));

//In '/Namespace/To/Foo.php' ...
namespace Namespace\To;

class Foo {
	private $foobar;

	public function __construct($foobar) {
		$this->foobar = $foobar;

	public function printFoo() {
		echo $this->foobar;

Router::any('/foobar', 'Namespace\To\Foo->printFoo');
Router::any('/foobar', 'AliasFoo->printFoo');


//Import the necessary classes
use Costamilam\Alpha\Request;

//Get the request HTTP method
Request::method(); //Example: 'GET', 'POST', 'DELETE', ...

//Get the request path, for example: '/', '/foo/', '/foo/123'

//Get the request token

The token must be passed in the Authorization header

//Get the request header

Multiline header returns separated by commas, for example, 'foo, bar, baz'

//Get the request cookie

//Get the request parameters
//Example for route '/foo/{bar}/baz/{baz}/' and request '/foo/Bar/baz/true/':
//	  'foo' => 'Bar',
//	  'baz' => 'true'

//Get fields specific to the request parameters, if the key does not exist, create it with null value
Request::param('baz', 'bar', 'qux');

//Get the request query string parameters
//	  'foo' => 'Bar',
//	  'baz' => 'true'

//Get fields specific to the request query string parameters, if the key does not exist, create it with null value
Request::queryString('baz', 'bar', 'qux');

//Get the request body
//	  'bar' => 'Bar',
//	  'baz' => 'true'

//Get fields specific to the request body, if the key does not exist, create it with null value
Request::body('foo', 'bar');
//	  'foo' => null,
//	  'baz' => 'true'


//Import the necessary classes
use Costamilam\Alpha\Response;

//Change response status

//Add a response header
Response::header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', 'localhost');
//Add a response header, without replacing the previous
Response::header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '', false);

//Add a multiple response header
	'Access-Control-Allow-Methods' => 'POST, GET'
	'Access-Control-Allow-Headers' => 'X-PINGOTHER, Content-Type'

//Remove a response header

//Pass '0' or 'false' to no cache and an integer in minutes to cache control

//Default cookie options:
//expire = time() + 60 * 30 (30 minutes)
//domain = ''
//secure = false
//httponly = true

//Change default cookie options
	24 * 60,        //Time to expire in minutes (24 hours)
	'HTTP_HOST',    //If present, use Host request header else use empty string ('')
	true,           //Only HTTPS (recommended true)
	true            //Access only http, disable access by JavaScript (recommended true)

Attention: If you set the domain to 'HTTP_HOST' and access with a local server passing the port, for example 'localhost:8000', the cookie will not work. In this case, you need to set the domain to 'localhost' without the port

//Send a cookie
Response::cookie('foo', 'bar');

//Send a cookie with a different expiration (12 hours, default is 24 hours)
Response::cookie('foo', 'bar', 12 * 60);

//Change the body of the response using JSON format
	'foo' => 'bar',
	'baz' => array(true, false, null, '')

//Send a token

The Token is passed by the Token header


//Import the necessary classes
use Costamilam\Alpha\DB;

//Access to the database
//Note: the connection it isn't now
DB::access('host', 'user', 'pass', 'db');

//Connection charset, recommended 'UTF8'

//For disconnect, it call automacally on execution end

//Select example:
DB::select('SELECT * FROM foobar WHERE foo LIKE "ba%"');
//Return an associative array, for example:
//	  ['id' => 0, 'foo' => 'bar'],
//	  ['id' => 1, 'foo' => 'baz']

//Insert example:
DB::insert('INSERT FROM foobar(foo) VALUES("bar")');
//The last id inserted with this connection
$lastInsert = DB::$insertedId;

//Update example:
DB::update('UPDATE foobar SET foo = "bar" WHERE foo <> "bar"');

//Delete example:
DB::delete('DELETE * FROM foobar WHERE foo = "bar"');

//Passing variables, (prepared statement)
DB::select('SELECT * FROM foobar WHERE id = ?', $lastInsert);

//The type used is the variable's gettype
//For files, pass a Resource:
$foo = 'baz';
$file = fopen('path/to/file.txt');
DB::select('INSERT FROM foobar(foo, file) VALUES(?, ?)', $foo, $file);

Authentication (with JSON Web Token):

//Import the necessary classes
use Costamilam\Alpha\Token;

//Configure the token
	'hs256',                    //Algorithm
	'mY SuperSECRET.key',       //Secret key
	'',      //Issuer
	'',      //Audience
	30                          //Time to expires (in minutes)

//Create a token, pass the subject and, optionally, other data
    17,						//For example, the user id
    array(					//Data to save
        'name' => 'Foo',			//User name
        'role' => array('salesman', 'admin')	//User roles, for authenticate

//Get token payload

//Token verification, return the error as string or "ok"
Returned value Is error Description
Ok No Token exists, is valid and is not expired
Empty Yes Token does not exist
Invalid Yes Token is invalid
Expired Yes Token has expired