
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.
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The CosmicMedia MVC framwework, contains a general MVC implementation and CosmicMedia API implementations

dev-master 2019-02-28 22:41 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2020-08-14 05:41:18 UTC




The MVC implemenation in CosmicFramework is based on 3 classes, "Database", "Controller", and "View". The 3 classes work together, with the goal of finally rendering a page for the user.

Each objects function

  • Database (i.e models)

    The Database is a simple object used to connect and query to a configured database. In CosmicFramework, to create a model, which implements this database into a class that grabs data, you create a class extending the database. You can then include this model inside of your controller to access your defined methods to grab data.

  • View

    The View contains the template to render, the renderer (plates), and data to pass into the template. It is standalone in function, however, the controller holds one for rendering.

  • Controller

    The Controller contains the logic behind rendering a View object, such as running the included model's logic, authentication, etc. In it's usage, you would create a class that extends Controller, and implement logic for the abstract "logic" method. This logic method is automatically ran upon calling Controller->render()

Example implementation


    require_once __DIR__ . '/../vendor/autoload.php';

    use CosmicFramework\MVC\Database;

    Database::init("host", "database", "root", "");

    // Create a new instance of the TestController
    $test_controller = new TestController();
    // Add a view to the controller
    $test_controller->addView(new View("test_view", __DIR__));

    // render() first runs the controllers logic() method, then renders the view


    use CosmicFramework\MVC\Controller;

    class TestController extends Controller {
        // This logic is ran when calling the controller's render() method
        public function logic() {
            require(__DIR__ . "/test_model.php");
            $test_model = new TestModel();
            $data = $test_model->GetData();


    use CosmicFramework\MVC\Database;

    class TestModel extends Database {
        public function GetData() {
            return self::query("SELECT * FROM data");



CosmicAccounts (CosmicFramework\API\CosmicAccounts), is a static helper class for dealing with the CosmicAccounts API. It has 2 functions:

o AuthenticateUser($conf_key) - Takes a CosmicAccounts conf key, checks if it's valid, and returns the permissions linked to the key
o AuthRedirect($public_key) - Redirects to the CosmicAccounts authentication redirect URL with the user's public_key