
Adds an admin panel to a Laravel Application allowing for a UI to modify model data

1.3.3 2024-09-08 12:55 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-09-08 12:56:09 UTC


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Table of Contents


A Laravel Admin Panel for laravel applications providing a simple and easy to use interface to create, view, edit or delete model records.


You can install the package via Composer:

composer require connor-lock05/laravel-admin


Accessing the admin panel

To access the admin panel there are two available methods of authorisation.

  1. You can use the ConnorLock05\LaravelAdmin\Middleware\RoleAuthorisation middleware. This will use the logged-in user to check they have the correct roles

    Requires the spatie/laravel-permission package to be installed

  2. Or you can use the ConnorLock05\LaravelAdmin\Middleware\IpAuthorisation middleware. This will use the ip origin for the request compared to a comma separated list of ip addresses defined in your .env file Define ADMIN_ALLOWED_IPS in your .env to a list of allowed IPs. i.e (ADMIN_ALLOWED_IPS=,

When using RoleAuthorisation

  1. Run through the installation process for spatie/laravel-permission here
  2. You will need to add authentication middleware before the RoleAuthorisation middleware to ensure a user is logged in. Do this in the laravel-admin.php config file (See Configuration)
  3. You will need to create a role for the admin panel access and add this to your config file.

See how to customise the admin config here

By default, the 'Admin' role is allowed access to the admin panel.

Once logged in, visit /admin to get to the admin panel dashboard

Setting Up Models

To allow a model to be interacted with by the Admin panel, you need to use the ConnorLock05\LaravelAdmin\Traits\ModifiedByAdminPanel trait on a model This will then require you to define two functions: getModifiableFields and getFieldsForIndexView


The getModifiableFields function defines what fields are editable by the admin panel and the data type of the field. This function returns an associative array with strings (column names) as keys, and ConnorLock05\LaravelAdmin\Interfaces\Type as values.

There are several types defined:

  • ConnorLock05\LaravelAdmin\Types\Text This is a string field
  • ConnorLock05\LaravelAdmin\Types\Number This is an integer field
  • ConnorLock05\LaravelAdmin\Types\Password This is a password field, the value won't be added to the field on edit and if a value is not provided it will not be updated
  • ConnorLock05\LaravelAdmin\Types\Picklist This is a select field, an array of options is provided on creation where keys are the option label and the value is the option value
  • ConnorLock05\LaravelAdmin\Types\TextArea This is a text area field (intended for text column types)
  • ConnorLock05\LaravelAdmin\Types\Related This is a related field, a model is provided on instantiation alongside an optional 'referenceColumn' which is the column name for the field to use as the option label (primary key column is default)


public static function getModifiableFields(): array
    return [
        'title' => new Text(),
        'user_id' => new Related(User::class, 'name'),
        'body' => new TextArea()


The getFieldsForIndexView function defines what fields are shown in the list on the index view. This function returns a non-associative array of strings of column names to include


public static function getFieldsForIndexView(): array
    return [



To publish the configuration for this package, run

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="admin-config"

Overriding Views

To publish the views for overriding, run:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="admin-views"

Views will be published to resources/views/vendor/admin/


Laravel Admin is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.