
A PHP template engine that doesn't require you to learn a new syntax

dev-main 2024-01-22 15:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-11-22 17:48:46 UTC


Software License Coverage Status Psalm coverage Psalm level Quality Score

Boiler is a native PHP 8.1 template engine in the vein of Plates, which uses PHP itself instead of a custom template language.

⚠️ Note: This template engine is under active development, some of the listed features are still experimental and subject to change. Large parts of the documentation are missing.

Notable differences:

  • It auto escapes strings and Stringable values.
  • The template context, i. e. all variables available in the template, is global.


composer require conia/boiler

Quick start

Assuming the following directory structure ...

`-- to
    `-- templates
       `-- page.php

... and the content of the file /path/to/templates/page.php to be:

<p>ID <?= $id ?></p>

Now create a Engine instance and render the template:

use Conia\Boiler\Engine;

$engine = new Engine('/path/to/templates');
$html = $engine->render('page', ['id' => 13]);

assert($html == '<p>ID 13</p>');

Run the tests

pest --coverage && \
    psalm --no-cache --show-info=true && \
    phpcs -s -p --ignore=tests/templates src tests


Boiler is released under the MIT license.

Copyright © 2022 ebene fünf GmbH. All rights reserved.