Congraph CMS Project.




Installs: 77

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 1

Watchers: 3

Forks: 24 121




Congraph CMS Installation has 3 parts: Laravel API installation, NodeJS Admin installation and Nuxt Frontend App Your folder structure should be:

---- /new-project
--------- /new-project-api
--------- /new-project-admin
--------- /new-project-app

api folder for laravel app, admin folder for admin app and app folder for frontend Nuxt application

Laravel API

With Composer install version dev-master:

composer create-project congraph/cms [folder-name] [version]
composer create-project congraph/cms new-project-api dev-master

This should pull all the files to your computer and install all php dependencies

Next thing you should do is setup your database, recomended naming for DB is to have 'cg_' prefix, and have utf8_general_ci collation

Once you have DB setup, you should edit .env file. Go to root of your new-project-api folder and find .env file, if for some reason that file doesn't exist you can duplicate the .env.example file and name it .env Here you can find all the settings for your environment Settings that you need to set before going further are:

  1. DB_DATABASE - name for your mysql database
  2. DB_USERNAME - username for accessing mysql DB
  3. DB_PASSWORD - password for that user (leave blank if you don't use password)
  4. USING_ELASTIC - flag for use of elasticsearch DB, you will know if you are using it, otherwise set this to false. If you are using elasticsearch in your project you should uncomment EntityElasticServiceProvider in your app config /config/app.php.

Now we need to run few artisan commands in CMD/Terminal

  1. First we want to generate a random App Key for the new application
php artisan key:generate
  1. We want to generate optimized loader for laravel
php artisan optimize
  1. Next we want to run Congraph init script that will a) migrate DB tables. b) run seeders for initaial DB data c) create 2 new client apps for Congraph.
php artisan congraph:init

This command should print out settings for 2 apps (Administration App, Frontend App). You should copy these settings to some file or note. Later you can find them in your database.

Setting WAMP Server for Laravel API

  1. choose a url for your API, recomended url should start with 'api.', for example | | for local development
  2. change hosts file: you can find it in C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
  3. add new line in hosts file and write your new URL
  1. change apache config for virtual hosts, you can find it in C:\wamp64\bin\apache\apache2.4.33\conf\extra config file httpd-vhosts.conf
  2. add new virtual host
<VirtualHost *:80>
 DocumentRoot "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/new-project/new-project-api/public"
 <Directory "${INSTALL_DIR}/www/new-project/new-project-api/public">
   Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
   AllowOverride All
   Require local
  1. restart WAMP Server
  2. try going to that URL in your browser - you should get white page with "Laravel 5" heading

NodeJS Administration App

We will install the admin app by cloning the repository from github

git clone [directory]
git clone new-project-admin

after cloning the repo we want to move to the admin project folder and run npm installer

npm install

This should install all dependencies to our local environment

We need to setup our environment like with laravel project. First we need to duplicate the .env.example file and name it .env.

cp .env.example .env

And now we can change the .env file. Settings we need to set:

  1. APP_URL usually 'localhost:8080' but you can set it to any port or custom URL. Note: If you are using custom URL that is not localhost you need to have ngnix or appache set to proxy requests to your app. For local development it's recommended to stick to the localhost scheme.
  2. APP_PORT should be same as port in APP_URL
  3. APP_HOST should be same as host in APP_URL
  4. CG_URL URL where we can find Congraph API (include the / at the end of URL)
  5. CG_CLIENT_ID paste the value from Laravel APP for Administration App ID
  6. CG_CLIENT_SECRET paste the value from Laravel APP for Administration App SECRET
  7. NODE_ENV set to 'local' for local dev environment or 'production' for use on the production server

With these parameters set, we can run the Administration App

npm run start

Aplication should be available at your specified location default http://localhost:8080 You should successfully login with credentials: email: password: secret


  1. If you get CORS policy error when trying to log in (check DevTools console for that). Go to your Laravel API project folder and then go to /vendor/congraph/api/Http/routes.php file Uncomment the 5. line header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *'); Try to log in again.

Nuxt Frontend App

We will install the frontend app by cloning the repository from github

git clone [directory]
git clone new-project-app

after cloning the repo we want to move to the frontend project folder and run npm installer

npm install

This should install all dependencies to our local environment

We need to setup our environment like with laravel project. First we need to duplicate the .env.example file and name it .env.

cp .env.example .env

And now we can change the .env file. Settings we need to set:

  1. CG_URL URL where we can find Congraph API (include the / at the end of URL)
  2. DEFAULT_LOCALE the code for default locale used by App example: en_US

With these parameters set, we can run the Frontend App

npm run dev



3 Apps need deployment

  • API app (api)
  • Admin app (admin|cms)
  • Frontend app

API Deployment


  • MySQL | MariaDB installed
  • Elasticsearch installed
  • PHP ^7.0 installed


  • Copy files
  • Configuration
  • DB Seed

Copy files

  1. Copy all files compressed in a .zip file including "vendor" folder if composer is not available on the server.
  2. Unzip files on the server over ssh.
  3. Set permissions for files. Hokosoft servers:
chown -R {$domain}:www /usr/local/www/data/{$domain}
chmod -R 750 /usr/local/www/data/{$domain}


  1. Change .env file (mysql settings, es settings, index name, app key etc.)
  2. If using apache server add this to .htaccess file in /public folder
    RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization} ^(.*)
    RewriteRule .* - [e=HTTP_AUTHORIZATION:%1]
  1. Change domain in app.php file in /config folder

DB Seed

  1. Upload empty Congraph db to server and import it
  2. Check DefaultWorkflowSeeder.php and OAuthSeeder.php in /database/seeds folder, if data is ok for this setup run the seeders
  3. Run the seeders with
php artisan db:seed --class=DefaultWorkflowSeeder
php artisan db:seed --class=OAuthSeeder

Admin App Depoloyment


  • node and npm installed on server
  • preferably pm2 install on server