
The Oktave PHP SDK

0.3.2 2021-08-16 12:09 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-16 20:05:32 UTC


This official PHP SDK for interacting with Oktave.


You can install the package manually or by adding it to your composer.json:

  "require": {
      "confidencesapp/oktave-sdk-php": "^0.3.0"

Instantiating the SDK Client:

Pass in the configuration to the client:

$config = [
    'client_id' => '{your_client_uuid}',
    'client_secret' => '{your_client_secret}',
    'webhook_secret' => '{your_webhook_secret}', // optional, required for request signature validation
$oktave = new Oktave\Client($config);

Or configure after construct:

$oktave = new Oktave\Client()
            ->setWebhookSecret('ok_whsec_...'); // optional, required for request signature validation

Note: if you are unsure what your client_id, client_secret or webhook_secret are, please go to your account and copy them.

For multiple teams users:

Pass in the team ID to the client:

$config = [
    // ...
    'team_id' => '{your_team_uuid}' // optional, required to specify a team ID
$oktave = new Oktave\Client($config);

Or configure after construct:

$oktave = new Oktave\Client($config)
            ->setTeamId('uuid'); // optional, required to specify a team ID

Attention! If no team is specified, the team on which the OAuth client has been declared is used by default.

Note: if you are unsure what your team is, please go to your account and copy it.

Reset to the default team without its ID:

// set the team to null.
$oktave = new Oktave\Client($config)

Note: the team value can be updated at anytime, for example between resource calls.

On-Premise Customers

If you are an on-premise customer and have your own infrastructure with your own domain, you can configure the client to use your domain:


Or by adding the api_endpoint field to the $config array you pass to the constructor.

Using the client

Multiple Resources

To return a list of your resources

// return a list of your blacklist items 


To return a paginated list of your resources

// return a list of your paginated blacklist items
// items per page accepted values : 10, 20, 50, 100

$result = $oktave->blacklistItems->perPage(20)->page(5)->all();
$result->data() // contains the ressource collection
$result->meta() // contains the current pagination meta

/* [ 'current_page' => 5, 'per_page' => 20, 'total' => 95 ] */

Single Resource by ID

Fetch a Resource by ID:


Handling Exceptions

Aside from errors that may occur due to the call, there may be other Exceptions thrown. To handle them, simply wrap your call in a try catch block:

try {
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // do something with $e

Internally, there are several custom Exceptions which may be raised - see the Exceptions directory for more information.

Webhook request verification

To verify a webhook request signature

// return true if the request signature is valid 
$requestTimestamp = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_OKTAVE_TIMESTAMP']) ? (int) $_SERVER['HTTP_OKTAVE_TIMESTAMP'] : null;

// return true if the request signature is valid 
$oktave->webhooks->verifySignature($eventID, $requestTimestamp, $signature);



Generate a coverage report:

phpunit --coverage-html ./ignore