
A GuzzlePHP plugin for Hawk authentication

v0.1.0 2015-10-14 19:07 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-06-22 16:18:47 UTC


A Hawk Authenticator for Guzzle.

Originally developed by jeskew, this extremely simple Plugin provides middleware you can place on your Guzzle client to automagically sign your requests.


First, install with Composer:

composer require complex-media/guzzle-hawk

Then, use it in code.

use ComplexMedia\Guzzle\Plugin\Hawk;
use GuzzleHttp\Client as Guzzle;

$client = new Guzzle();
$signer = new Hawk($key, $secret, $algorithm, $offset);

$response = $client->get($URL);

$algorithm will default to 'sha256', but you can set it to whatever your system supports. $offset adds a clock skew to synchronize with your server, and defaults to 0. If you get a 401 from your server, you can adjust several properties on the signer and try again immediately:

$signer->key = $new_key
$signer->secret = $new_secret
$signer->algorithm = $new_algorithm
$signer->offset = $new_offset

$response = $client->get($URL);




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