SimpleDirLister is a php lib and a fronted of these lib. You can get complete filetrees and informations about files. You can also show these infos in a clean way

This package's canonical repository appears to be gone and the package has been frozen as a result.

0.4.0 2018-03-16 19:35 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2022-01-12 21:50:19 UTC


common/io is a simple and powerful I/O library. It wraps the popular Flysystem to a oop structure and adds helpful utils.

use common\io\File;
use common\io\Manager;
use League\Flysystem\WebDAV\WebDAVAdapter;
use Sabre\DAV\Client;

$webdav = new class(".") extends File {
	public function __construct($dir) {
		$this->defaultUrl = ["scheme" => "dav"];
		$this->workingDir = "/";

			new WebDAVAdapter(
				new Client(
						'baseUri'  => 'https://owncloud.domain.tld/',
						'userName' => 'user',
						'password' => '...'
				), "/remote.php/webdav/"

$local = new File(".");


Run: composer require common-libs/io

As always load composer in your main file: require_once("vendor/autoload.php");.

Use it

Using it is very simple. Just initialize a new php object from common\io\File.

use common\io\File;
$test = new File(".");

List all files and dirs:

use common\io\File;
$test = new File(".");
foreach ($test->listContents() as $listContent) {
   echo $listContent->getPath();

Get content of a directory structure:

use common\io\File;

$test = new File(".");
foreach ($test->get("vendor/bin")->listContents() as $listContent) {
  echo $listContent->getPath();

commons\io\Directory implements Countable, IteratorAggregate, ArrayAccess, so it can be shorten:

use common\io\File;

$test = new File(".");
foreach ($test->get("vendor/bin") as $listContent) {
 echo $listContent->getPath();
use common\io\File;

$test = new File(".");
foreach ($test["vendor"]["bin"] as $listContent) {
    echo $listContent->getPath();

Extending this class gives you the possibility to use any flysystem adapter:

use common\io\File;
use common\io\Manager;
use League\Flysystem\Adapter\Ftp as Adapter;

class Ftp extends File {
	public function __construct($dir) {
		$this->defaultUrl = ["scheme" => "ftp"];
		$this->workingDir = "/";
			new Adapter(
					'host'    => '',
					'port'    => 21,
					'root'    => '/',
					'passive' => true,
					'ssl'     => false,
					'timeout' => 30,

The protocol/scheme is used as a class internal virtual mapping and identifier.

See Documentation for a full list of available methods.



use common\io\File;
use common\io\Manager;

$local = new File("."); //current dir in vendor/common-libs/io/

$file = $local->createFile("test", "hi"); // create file "test" with content hi
echo $file->getContent() . PHP_EOL; // hi
echo $file->md5() . PHP_EOL; // 49f68a5c8493ec2c0bf489821c21fc3b

/* list all files and dirs recursive and prints their paths & if an file "composer.json" is found more infos are printed */
foreach ($local->listContents() as $listContent) { 
	echo $listContent->getPath() . PHP_EOL;
	if ($listContent->isFile()) {
		if ($listContent->getName() == "composer.json") {
			echo "size: " . $listContent->getSize() . PHP_EOL;
			echo json_decode($listContent->getContent());

$lib = $local->get("lib"); // change to dir "lib"

/* list all files and dirs recursive and prints their paths */
foreach ($lib->listContents() as $listContent) {
	echo $listContent->getPath() . PHP_EOL;

$local = $lib->getParent(); //redundant, just for demonstration

/* using php7 to get a new ftp object */
$ftp = new class(".") extends File {
	public function __construct($dir) {
		$this->defaultUrl = ["scheme" => "ftp"];
		$this->workingDir = "/";
			new League\Flysystem\Adapter\Ftp(
					'host'    => '',
					'port'    => 21,
					'root'    => '/',
					'passive' => true,
					'ssl'     => false,
					'timeout' => 30,

/* copy "" on ftp server to local dir "testDirRANDOMNUMBER" */
$kbFile    = $ftp->get("")->copy(
	$local->mkdir("testDir" . random_int(0, 9999999999))
$randomDir = $kbFile->delete(); // delete downloaded file



Copyright (C) 2017  Profenter Systems

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License 
along with this program. If not, see <>.