This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A collection of useful PHP utilities

v1.7.2 2023-05-01 18:29 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-26 16:32:45 UTC


Basic utility functions for PHP


toStdClass(array $array): stdClass

Converts array to an stdClass

$users = [
    "value" => [
        "users" => [
                "username" => "user",
                "password" => "********",
                "email" => ""
    "token" => "********************************"

$users = ArrayUtils::toStdClass($users);

/* output
object(stdClass)#2 (2) {
    object(stdClass)#4 (1) {
        object(stdClass)#5 (1) {
        object(stdClass)#6 (3) {
            string(4) "user"
            string(8) "********"
            string(16) ""
    string(32) "********************************"
randomize(array $array): array

randomizes the given array

$characters = str_split("Command_String");
$randomized_characters = ArrayUtils::randomize($characters);

foreach ($randomized_characters as $character) {
    echo $character;


getBetween(string $start, string $end, string $string, bool $include_start_end_with_response = false): string

Gets text between to specified points in a string and returns it.

$greeting = "My name is Bob! What's yours?";

$name = StringUtils::getBetween("is ", "!", $greeting);

echo $name; // output: Bob

If you want the start and end to be returned you can set the fourth argument to true, a good use case for this would be parsing a json string out of a blob of text

$text = 'fdsjhyasdfuygfdsuygfduygfsd{"name": "Bob"}asduygasduyauysduytasduy?';

$json = StringUtils::getBetween("{", "}", $text, true);

echo $json; // output: {"name": "Bob"}

/* output: 
object(stdClass)#3 (1) {
  string(5) "Bob"


uuid(int $length = 16, array $characters = []): string

Generates a UUID.

Generically the method will return a 16 character alphanumeric string

echo GeneratorUtils::uuid(); // output: 6MwqCff0wdpUl1sdw

You can adjust the length as needed

echo GeneratorUtils::uuid(5); // output: 8zWgWw

You can also supply characters for the generator to use

echo GeneratorUtils::uuid(10, [1, 0]); // output: 11110100100


getAllFiles(string $directory, bool $recursive = false): array

Get all files in a directory, if the second parameter is true then files in subdirectories will be included in the returned array

getAllSubDirectories(string $directory, bool $recursive = false): array

Get all subdirectories in a directory and if recursive is true all subdirectories of the subdirectories will be included

getAllFilesWithExtensions(string $directory, array $extensionsToFind, bool $recursive = false): array

Get all files in a directory with one of the supplied extensions. If the third parameter is true then the directories' subdirectories will be searched as well.


RGBAtoHEX(int $red, int $blue, int $green, ?int $alpha = null): string

Converts a RGBA color code to a HEX color code

HEXtoRGBA(string $hex): array

Converts a HEX color code to a RGBA color code.


convertFileSize(FileSizeUtils $from_type, FileSizeUtils $to_type, float $from_size): float

Convert a file size from one type to another

humanReadable(FileSizeUtils $type, float $size, int $decimals = 0): string

Creates reduces the format that appends to type abbreviation to the end.

echo FileSizeUtils::humanReadable(FileSizeUtils::MEGABYTE, 5000); // output: 5 GB
reduceFileSize(FileSizeUtils $type, float $size): stdClass

Reduces a file size to the smallest it can be before being smaller than 1. An stdClass with a type property is then returned alongside a size property for the new size.

var_dump(FileSizeUtils::humanReadable(FileSizeUtils::MEGABYTE, 5000));
 *  object(stdClass)#12 (2) {
 *  ["type"]=>
 *      enum(CommandString\Utils\FileSizeUtils::GIGABYTE)
 *  ["size"]=>
 *      float(5)
 *  }