This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

A PDO driver with additional features

v3.1.1 2023-02-11 17:07 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2023-05-31 00:24:42 UTC



Making PDO easier with the power of magic


composer require commandstring/pdo

Creating a connection

Doing so manually

$driver = (new Driver)

You can use Driver::setDsnProp or Driver::with{insert dsn prop name here} to set additional dsn values

Using the database predefined createDriver method

I currently only have mysql and postgres specific methods

$driver = Driver::createMySqlDriver("root", "password", "database")->connect();
$driver = Driver::createPostgresSqlDriver("root", "password", "database")->connect();

// you can set the host and port in the last two parameters but they default to localhost and the default port of the service

Executing a query

$rows = $driver->query("SELECT * FROM table")->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

The driver will store the PDOStatement internally and detect if the method your invoking exists in PDOStatement or PDO and invoke it on one of the instances accordinly. Thankfully there's no method names that are the same between the two classes

Preparing a statement

$driver->prepare("SELECT * FROM table WHERE column = :column");
$driver->bindValue("column", "value");
$rows = $driver->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);

Singleton Constructor Argument

If you construct a Driver with the singleton argument as true then that new instance will be stored as a static property in the class that can be called from anywhere with the get method. You can additionally call PDO/PDOStatement methods statically from Driver and it will work similar to $driver->methodName

(new Driver(true))

function getRowWhereIdIs(int $id, int $fetch_type = PDO::FETCH_ASSOC): mixed
	Driver::prepare("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = :id");
	Driver::bindValue("id", $id);
	return Driver::fetch($fetch_type);

$row = getRowWhereIdIs(20);

Building Statements


    ->columns(["column" => "column_alias_name"], "column2")
    ->orderBy("column", "ASC")


    ->value("column", "value")
    ->values(["column2" => "value", "column3" => "value"])


    ->set("column", "newValue")
    ->where("column", "=", "value")


    ->where("column", "=", "value")

Using where method

// ...
->where("column", "=", "value")
->where("column", "IN", [1, 5, "hi"])
->where("column", "IN", [(new Select($driver))->from("table")->columns("column")])
->where("column", "BETWEEN", [0, 5])
->whereOr("column", "=", 5)
->whereNot("column", "=", 10)

Creating Storable Statements

Create storableStatement instance

$storableStmt = $driver->storableStatements->create("accounts.getByUsername")

Create statement to be stored

$storableStmt->setStatement($driver->select()->from("accounts")->columns("name", "id"));

Set before handler (optional)

$storableStmt->setBeforeHandler(function (Select $statement, string $name): Select
    return $statement->where("name", "=", $name);

The first argument is the statement passed into the setStatement method. You can define arguments that can be set when executing the statement more on that later.

Set after handler (optional)

$storableStmt->setAfterHandler(function (PDOStatement $statement)): Account
    $results = $statement->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);

    return new Account($results->name, $results->id);

Executing stored statement

$driver->storableStatements->execute("accounts.getByUsername", ["Command_String"]);