
A random Codica Studio package.

1.0.0 2020-09-25 01:53 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-02-25 14:18:53 UTC


Provides an easy way to conditionally show and hide fields in your Nova resources.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require digital-creative/conditional-container


Basic demo showing the power of this field:

use DigitalCreative\ConditionalContainer\ConditionalContainer;
use DigitalCreative\ConditionalContainer\HasConditionalContainer;

class ExampleNovaResource extends Resource {

    use HasConditionalContainer; // Important!!

    public function fields(Request $request)
        return [
            Select::make('Option', 'option')
                      1 => 'Option 1',
                      2 => 'Option 2',
                      3 => 'Option 3',
            Text::make('Content', 'content')->rules('required'),
             * Only show field Text::make('Field A') if the value of option is equals 1
            ConditionalContainer::make([ Text::make('Field A') ])
                                ->if('option = 1'),
             * Equivalent to: if($option === 2 && $content === 'hello world')
            ConditionalContainer::make([ Text::make('Field B') ])
                                ->if('option = 2 AND content = "hello world"'),
             * Equivalent to: if(($option !== 2 && $content > 10) || $option === 3)
            ConditionalContainer::make([ Text::make('Field C')->rules('required') ])
                                ->if('(option != 2 AND content > 10) OR option = 3'),
             * Example with Validation and nested ConditionalContainer!
             * Equivalent to: if($option === 3 || $content === 'demo')

                                    Text::make('Field D')->rules('required') // Yeah! validation works flawlessly!!
                                    ConditionalContainer::make([ Text::make('Field E') ])
                                                        ->if('field_d = Nice!')
                                ->if('option = 3 OR content = demo')


The ->if() method takes a single expression argument that follows this format:

(attribute COMPARATOR value) OPERATOR on

you can build any complex logical operation by wrapping your condition in () examples:

ConditionalContainer::make(...)->if('first_name = John');
ConditionalContainer::make(...)->if('(first_name = John AND last_name = Doe) OR (first_name = foo AND NOT last_name = bar)');
ConditionalContainer::make(...)->if('first_name = John AND last_name = Doe');

you can chain multiple ->if() together to group your expressions by concern, example:

                    ->if('age > 18 AND gender = male')
                    ->if('A contains "some word"')
                    ->if('B contains "another word"');

by default the operation applied on each ->if() will be OR, therefore if any of the if methods evaluates to true the whole operation will be considered truthy, if you want to execute an AND operation instead append ->useAndOperator() to the chain

Currently supported operators:

  • AND
  • OR
  • NOT
  • XOR
  • and parentheses

Currently supported comparators:

Comparator Description
> Greater than
< Less than
<= Less than or equal to
>= Greater than or equal to
== Equal
=== Identical
!= Not equal
!== Not Identical
truthy / boolean Validate against truthy values
contains / includes Check if input contains certain value
startsWith Check if input starts with certain value
endsWith Check if input ends with certain value


  • Display field only if user has selected file
    ConditionalContainer::make([ Text::make('caption')->rules('required') ])
                        ->if('image truthy true'),
  • Display extra fields only if selected morph relation is of type Image or Video
    MorphTo::make('Resource Type', 'fileable')->types([
    ConditionalContainer::make([ Image::make('thumbnail')->rules('required') ])
                        ->if(function () {
                            return 'fileable = ' . App\Nova\Image::uriKey();
                        ->if(function () {
                            return 'fileable = ' . App\Nova\Video::uriKey();
  • Display inline HTML only if Reason field is empty, show extra fields otherwise.
    ConditionalContainer::make([ Text::make('Extra Information')->rules('required') ])
                        ->if('reason truthy true'),
                            Heading::make('<p class="text-danger">Please write a good reason...</p>')->asHtml()
                        ->if('reason truthy false'),


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.