Wordpress Starter Theme integrated with Bootstrap 4 Framework and Webpack Encore

Installs: 12

Dependents: 0

Suggesters: 0

Security: 0

Stars: 2

Watchers: 1

Forks: 0

Open Issues: 0


v1.2.0 2022-01-12 04:06 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-12 09:45:17 UTC



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WordPress starter theme integrated with Bootstrap 4 Framework and Webpack Encore.
SEO friendly 😉


Markup, like _s, is a base theme to develop themes in Wordpress. It is built using namespaces, which gives us greater flexibility when developing our theme. On the other hand, Markup is already integrated with Bootstrap 4, therefore you will save the trouble of integrate Bootstrap 4 to the theme. To manage and optimize front-end dependencies, Webpack Encore is used, a Webpack wrapper created by Symfony wich simplifies the use of Webpack.


To start using Markup you must ensure that:

  • php >= 7.0
  • Composer
  • Node.js >= 14.x
  • Yarn


Install Composer on your computer and after installing run the command composer require codevelopers/markup in the root of your Wordpress project. Composer will automatically install Markup in the wp-content/themes folder.

Theme structure

themes/markup/                  # → Markup root folder
├── assets/                     # → Translation files
│   ├── fonts/                  # → Fonts files processed by Webpack
│   ├── images/                 # → Statics image files processed by Webpack
│   ├── scripts/                # → Javascript files processed by Webpack
│   ├── styles/                 # → Scss files processed by Webpack
│   │   ├── mixins/             # → Mixins used in scss files
│   │   ├── _404.scss           # → 404 page styles
│   │   ├── _alert.scss         # → Bootstrap alerts custom styles
│   │   ├── _archive.scss       # → Archive pages styles
│   │   ├── _button_.scss       # → Buttons styles
│   │   ├── _container.scss     # → Containers styles
│   │   ├── _fonts.scss         # → Html root element responsive font size
│   │   ├── _footer.scss        # → Site footer styles
│   │   ├── _form.scss          # → Forms styles
│   │   ├── _image.scss         # → Image elements styles, like logos, brands and others
│   │   ├── _link.scss          # → Links styles
│   │   ├── _loop.scss          # → WordPress loop styles, like regular posts and custom posts
│   │   ├── _modal.scss         # → Bootstrap modals custom styles
│   │   ├── _nav.scss           # → Site navigation elements styles
│   │   ├── _page.scss          # → WordPress pages styles
│   │   ├── _paginator.scss     # → Pagination elements styles
│   │   ├── _section.scss       # → Section elements styles
│   │   ├── _sidebar.scss       # → Sidebars styles
│   │   ├── _single.scss        # → Single template styles
│   │   ├── _table.scss         # → Table elements styles
│   │   ├── _title.scss         # → Heading elements styles
│   │   ├── _variables.scss     # → Bootstrap variables override
│   │   ├── _vendor.scss        # → External libraries styles
│   │   ├── editor-styles.scss  # → Editor styles
│   │   ├── login.scss          # → Admin login styles
│   │   └── main.scss           # → This file includes all the _*.scss files
│   └── assets.json             # → Manifest file used by Webpack
├── external/                   # → External php libraries
├── helpers/                    # → Helpers functions used by template files
├── hooks/                      # → Custom and WordPress Hooks
├── languages/                  # → Translation files
├── template-parts/             # → Template parts
├── 404.php                     # → Template file
├── comments.php                # → Template file
├── composer.json               # → Composer file
├── footer.php                  # → Template file
├── functions.php               # → Theme bootloader
├── header.php                  # → Template file
├── index.php                   # → Template file
├── package.json                # → Node.js dependencies and scripts
├── page.php                    # → Template file
├── postcss.config.js           # → Used by Webpack
├── searchform.php              # → Template file
├── sidebar.php                 # → Template file
├── single.php                  # → Template file
├── style.css                   # → Theme meta information
├── template-full-width.php     # → Template Full Width
└── webpack.config.js           # → Webpack Encore configuration

The functions.php file

This file takes care of including the external libraries, helpers, and hooks. In the helpers and hooks folder you will find some php files. If you want to create a new hook, you can use one of the files located in the hooks folder or create a new one. The same goes for helpers. You should consider when you create a new helper or hook file, you must reference it in the $helpers or $hooks array respectively, defined both in the functions.php file.


You can find some hooks defined into the php scripts located in the hooks folder. As mentioned above, your own hooks can be defined in an existing hook file, or you can create new one.


Markup come with some helper functions wich help you resolve common code problems while you are developing a new theme. Helper files, wich contain helper functions, must have a unique namespace, to avoid coalitions of functions and constants with other files or libraries. Helper files are located in the helpers folder. As same as hooks, a new helper function can be written in one of the exisiting helper files. If you want, you can create a new file with a unique namespace for avoid coalitions. Also you can use helper functions within hook files and as a template tag. Feel free to create helper functions that you can use in any part of your code.

Custom Queries

Custom queries can be created inside the query.php helper file as functions. You can call these functions in any part of your code.

Custom template tags

Template tags can be created inside the template_tags.php helper file, and you can call these functions in any template file.

Template parts

A helper function called get_template_part, defined in the template_tags.php helper file, with the same parameters as the WordPress get_template_part core function, is used to include the templates parts located into the template-parts directory. Remember that get_template_part helper function automatically append the template-parts directory name to the first $slug parameter, so you only need to pass the name of the template part.

Install front-end dependencies

To install front-end dependencies, you must install Yarn, and then run the following command in the theme directory:

  • yarn install

Compile assets with Webpack Encore

Once the front-end libraries are installed, you must run the yarn dev command in the theme directory to compile the assets. If you want, you can run yarn watch during the development process, since webpack can watch files and recompile whenever they change. Before deploy to production environment, you must run yarn production.

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