
CoderYouth OAuth2 Provider for Laravel Socialite

v1.0 2018-09-02 17:36 UTC

This package is auto-updated.

Last update: 2025-03-05 05:51:16 UTC


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1. Install the package via composer:

composer require coderyouth/socialite

2. Install the service provider

  • Remove Laravel\Socialite\SocialiteServiceProvider from your providers[] array in config\app.php if you have added it already.

  • Add \SocialiteProviders\Manager\ServiceProvider::class to your providers[] array in config\app.php.

For example:

'providers' => [
    // a whole bunch of providers
    // remove 'Laravel\Socialite\SocialiteServiceProvider',
    \SocialiteProviders\Manager\ServiceProvider::class, // add
  • Note: If you would like to use the Socialite Facade, you need to install it.

3. Event Listener

  • Add SocialiteProviders\Manager\SocialiteWasCalled event to your listen[] array in app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.

  • Add 'SocialiteProviders\\Imgur\\ImgurExtendSocialite@handle', to the SocialiteWasCalled array.

For example:

 * The event handler mappings for the application.
 * @var array
protected $listen = [
    \SocialiteProviders\Manager\SocialiteWasCalled::class => [

4. Configuration setup

You will need to add an entry to the services configuration file so that after config files are cached for usage in production environment (Laravel command artisan config:cache) all config is still available.

Add to config/services.php.

'coderyouth' => [
    'client_id' => env('CODERYOUTH_KEY'),
    'client_secret' => env('CODERYOUTH_SECRET'),
    'redirect' => env('CODERYOUTH_REDIRECT')


  • Laravel docs on configuration

  • You should now be able to use it like you would regularly use Socialite (assuming you have the facade installed):

return Socialite::with('coderyouth')->redirect();

Lumen Support

You can use Socialite providers with Lumen. Just make sure that you have facade support turned on and that you follow the setup directions properly.

Note: If you are using this with Lumen, all providers will automatically be stateless since Lumen does not keep track of state.

Also, configs cannot be parsed from the services[] in Lumen. You can only set the values in the .env file as shown exactly in this document. If needed, you can also override a config (shown below).


  • You can set whether or not you want to use the provider as stateless.

Note: If you are using this with Lumen, all providers will automatically be stateless since Lumen does not keep track of state.

// to turn off stateless
return Socialite::with('coderyouth')->stateless(false)->redirect();

// to use stateless
return Socialite::with('coderyouth')->stateless()->redirect();

Overriding a config

If you need to override the provider's environment or config variables dynamically anywhere in your application, you may use the following:

$clientId = "secret";

$clientSecret = "secret";

$redirectUrl = "";

$additionalProviderConfig = ['site' => ''];

$config = new \SocialiteProviders\Manager\Config($clientId, $clientSecret, $redirectUrl, $additionalProviderConfig);
return Socialite::with('coderyouth')->setConfig($config)->redirect();

Retrieving the Access Token Response Body

Laravel Socialite by default only allows access to the access_token. Which can be accessed via the \Laravel\Socialite\User->token public property. Sometimes you need access to the whole response body which may contain items such as a refresh_token.

You can get the access token response body, after you called the user() method in Socialite, by accessing the property $user->accessTokenResponseBody;

$user = Socialite::driver('coderyouth')->user();
$accessTokenResponseBody = $user->accessTokenResponseBody;


If you discover any security related issues, please email instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.