
Test easier your Eloquent Models in your Laravel Project

v3.0.0 2024-05-05 14:06 UTC

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Last update: 2025-03-05 15:59:43 UTC


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This package allows you to test your models about table structures, relations and more


You can install the package via composer:

composer require codenco-dev/eloquent-model-tester --dev


To use this package, you have to generate factories for your models. ( See Factories Documentation) You can generate one test file by model or for several. For your model MyModel you can use this command for example:

php artisan make:model MyModel -mf
php artisan make:test Models/MyModelTest

To be able to test database, don't forget RefreshDatabase use statements.

namespace Tests\Feature\Models;

use App\MyModel;
use CodencoDev\EloquentModelTester\HasModelTester;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\RefreshDatabase;
use Tests\TestCase;

class MyModelTest extends TestCase
    use RefreshDatabase;
    use HasModelTester;

    public function test_have_my_model_model()

For more simplicity, you can put the RefreshDatabase use statement in tests/TestCase.php file

Test of structure and of fillable / guarded

With this structure

    id - integer
    name - string
    email - string
    password - string
    remember_token - string
    other_field - string
    created_at - timestamp
    updated_at - timestamp

you can test if you have all the fields you need and if they are fillable or guarded.

class UserTest extends TestCase
    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_user_model()

The function assertHasColumns() only checks if the values provided are in the schema of the table. If you want to ensure that no other columns are present, you can use the stricter assertHasOnlyColumns() assertion to check that * only* the column names provided are present in the table.

N.B. When using this you will need to provide the created_at and updated_at fields if they are present in the database table.

The functions assertHasColumnsInFillable() and assertHasColumnsInGuarded() only check if the $fillable and $guarded arrays contain the values passed. If you want to ensure that no other entries are in the $fillable and $guarded arrays, then you can use the stricter assertHasOnlyColumnsInFillable() and assetHasOnlyColumnsInGuarded() functions as follows:

class UserTest extends TestCase
    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_user_model()
            ->assertHasOnlyColumns(['id','name','email','password','remember_token', 'created_at', 'updated_at']) // Will fail as missing 'other_field'.

To further confirm that only a set of columns can be filled, you can use the assertCanOnlyFill() assertion to confirm this. This assertion confirms that the fields provided are the only columns that can be filled, by confirming that these are the only values in the $fillable array and they don't appear in the $guarded array.

class User extends Model
    $fillable = ['name', 'password', 'email'];
    $guarded = ['remember_token'];

class UserTest extends TestCase
    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_user_model()
            ->assertCanOnlyFill(['name','password']); // Will fail as 'email' is in the fillable array.

To confirm that a field does not appear in both the $fillable and $guarded arrays by mistake there is the assertNoGuardedAndFillableFields() assertion that checks that no entry appears in both:

class User extends Model
    $fillable = ['name', 'password', 'email'];
    $guarded = ['email'];

class UserTest extends TestCase
    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_user_model()
            ->assertNoGuardedAndFillableFields(); // Will fail as 'email' is in both the fillable & guarded arrays.

To check for soft delete deleted_at column on your model, you can use the assertHasSoftDeleteTimestampColumns() assertion:

    id - integer
    name - string
    deleted_at - timestamp
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;

class User extends Model
    use SoftDeletes;

class UserTest extends TestCase
    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_user_model()

HasOne et BelongsTo

You can test relations of your models. For example, with this structure

    id - integer
    name - string

    id - integer
    number - string
    user_id - integer

you can use assertHasHasOneRelation() and assertHasBelongsToRelations methods like this:

class UserTest extends TestCase
    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_category_model()


class PhoneTest extends TestCase
    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_customer_model()

HasMany et BelongsTo

You can test relations of your models. For example, with this structure

    id - integer
    name - string

    id - integer
    name - string
    category_id - integer
    type_id - integer

you can use assertHasHasManyRelations and assertHasBelongsToRelations methods like this

class CategoryTest extends TestCase
    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_category_model()


class CustomerTest extends TestCase
    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_customer_model()

If you don't use Laravel naming convention, you may also override the relation and local keys (for belongsTo relation) by passing additional arguments to the assertHasHasManyRelations and assertHasBelongsToRelations methods



If you have several relations, you can chain methods like this:


HasManyThrough relations

You can test has many through relations of your models. For example, with this structure

    id - integer
    name - string

    id - integer
    customer_id - integer

    id - integer
    location_id - integer

you can use assertHasHasManyThroughRelations method like this

class CustomersTest extends TestCase
    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_orders_model()
            ->assertHasHasManyThroughRelation(Order::class, Location::class);


If you don't use Laravel naming convention, you may also override the relation and foreign keys by passing additional arguments to the assertHasHasManyThroughRelations method

            ->assertHasHasManyThroughRelation(Order::class, Location::class, 'sales', 'prefix_customer_id', 'prefix_location_id', 'firstPrimaryKey', 'secondPrimaryKey');

Attention: as there is no official inverse of this relationship, it is not possible to use this assertion in the reverse, i.e., in the orders model checking for a customers relationship.

Many to Many relations

You can test your ManyToMany relations with the ManyToManyRelationsTestable trait.

    id - integer
    name - string

    id - integer
    name - string

    user_id - integer
    role_id - integer
class UserTest extends TestCase
     use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_user_model()


class RoleTest extends TestCase
    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_role_model()


You can override the relation argument too :


Morph Relations

If you have a Morph Relation,

    id - integer
    title - string
    body - text

    id - integer
    title - string
    url - string

    id - integer
    body - text
    commentable_id - integer
    commentable_type - string

you can use assertHasBelongsToMorphRelations and assertHasHasManyMorphRelations methods like this

class PostTest extends TestCase

    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_post_model()

class VideoTest extends TestCase
    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_video_model()

class CommentTest extends TestCase

    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_morph_model_model()

MorphOne Relations

If you have a Morph One Relation,

    id - integer
    title - string
    body - text

    id - integer
    title - string

    id - integer
    url - string
    imageable_id - integer
    imageable_type - string

you can use assertHasBelongsToMorphRelations and assertHasMorphOneRelations methods like this

class PostTest extends TestCase

    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_post_model()

class UserTest extends TestCase
    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_user_model()
                ->assertHasMorphOneRelation(Image::class, 'avatar');

class ImageTest extends TestCase

    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_image_model()

Pivot and table without Model

You can test if a table contains columns with the tableTestable method

class MyPivotTest extends TestCase
    public function test_have_table_without_model()

Model Scopes

You can test if a model has a query scope defined using the assertHasScope() assertion:

class User extends Model
     * Scope a query to only include popular users.
     * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder  $query
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
    public function scopePopular($query)
        return $query->where('votes', '>', 100);

class UserTest extends TestCase
    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_user_model()

Of course if you're using Dynamic Scopes then assertHasScope() takes the arguments to pass to the query scope:

class User extends Model
    * Scope a query to only include users of a given type.
    * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder  $query
    * @param  mixed  $type
    * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
    public function scopeOfType($query, $type)
        return $query->where('type', $type);

class UserTest extends TestCase
    use HasModelTestor;

    public function test_have_user_model()
            ->assertHasScope('ofType', 'admin');

Available Assertions

Assertion Description Notes
assertHasTimestampsColumns() checks if the created_at and updated_at columns are present in the table.
assertHasSoftDeleteTimestampColumns() checks if the deleted_at column is present in the table.
assertHasColumns() checks for the presence of the provided column names appear in the table.
assertHasOnlyColumns() checks that only the column names provided are the only columns of the table.
assertCanOnlyFill() checks that only the fields provided can be filled and no others.
assertCanFillables() checks if the fields provided can be filled. Deprecated - Alias of assertHasColumnsInFillable()
assertHasColumnsInFillable() checks if the fields provided can be filled.
assertHasOnlyColumnsInFillable() checks if only the fields provided are those that appear in the $fillable array.
assertHasColumnsInGuarded() checks if the fields provide are guarded.
assertHasOnlyColumnsInGuarded() checks if the only the fields provided are those that appear in the $guarded array.
assertHasNoGuardedAndFillableFields() checks that a column does not appear in both the $fillable and $guarded arrays.
assertHasHasOneRelation() checks that the model has the HasOne relation.
assertHasMorphOneRelation() checks that the model has the MorphOne relation.
assertHasHasManyRelation() checks that the model hsa the HasMany relation.
assertHasHasManyThroughRelation() checks that the model has the HasManyThrough relation.
assertHasBelongsToRelation() checks that the model has the BelongsTo relation.
assertHasManyToManyRelation() checks that the model has the ManyToMany relation.
assertHasHasManyMorphRelation() checks that the model has the HasManyMorph relation.
assertHasBelongsToMorphRelation() checks that the model has the BelongsToMorph relation.
assertHasScope() checks that the model has the scope.


composer test


Please see CHANGELOG for more information about what has changed recently.


Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.


If you discover any security related issues, please email or contact me on Twitter DomThomasEs instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.

Laravel Package Boilerplate

This package was generated using the Laravel Package Boilerplate.