
Symfony bundle that assists you in updating your PhpStorm project config file

dev-master 2015-08-26 12:19 UTC

This package is not auto-updated.

Last update: 2024-04-27 13:11:56 UTC


Symfony bundle that assists you in updating your PhpStorm project config file.

Important notice

This bundle is in a very early stage and has ony been tested with PhpStorm 7 so far. So before using it with any older version, make sure you backup your .idea folder.


Install the bundle using composer (see for more information about composer) by adding it to your composer.json file and running composer update:

    // composer.json

    "require": {
        // ...
        "codelovers/phpstorm-bundle": "dev-master"

Then just add the bundle to your AppKernel.php file:

// in AppKernel::registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
    // ...
    new CodeLovers\PhpStormBundle\CodeLoversPhpStormBundle(),
    // ...


Currently there's only one command installed which will update your template data language config according to your configuration.


In a typical environment you will only need to configure your template_data_languages.

        - { pattern: "*.js.twig", dialect: "JavaScript" }
        - { pattern: "*.css.twig", dialect: "CSS" }
        - { pattern: "*.less.twig", dialect: "LESS" }

Additionally you can configure the path to your .idea folder and multiple source folders to process. Following are the default values:

    config_folder:  "%kernel.root_dir%/../.idea"
        - "%kernel.root_dir%/../src"

Update template data languages

Simply execute the command codelovers:phpstorm:processTemplates.

php app/console codelovers:phpstorm:processTemplates

If PhpStorm has been running, restart it, so it reloads the project configuration.