
This package is abandoned and no longer maintained. No replacement package was suggested.

Code Inc.'s error display library

1.3.8 2018-10-04 13:12 UTC


The PHP 7 library provides to classes dedicated to render exceptions and errors (everything which implements Throwable).


use CodeInc\ErrorRenderer\HtmlErrorRenderer;
use CodeInc\ErrorRenderer\ConsoleErrorRenderer;

// Creating a fake exception
$fakeException = new \Exception("A last exception", 1010, 
    new \Exception("A child exception", 0,
        new \Exception("A source exception")));

// Rendering for a web browser
echo new HtmlErrorRenderer($fakeException);

// Rendering for CLI
echo new ConsoleErrorRenderer($fakeException);

// Rendering using option (all option enabled)
echo new ConsoleErrorRenderer($fakeException, ConsoleErrorRenderer::OPT_ALL);

// Rendering with all options but no colors
echo new ConsoleErrorRenderer($fakeException, ConsoleErrorRenderer::OPT_ALL ^ ConsoleErrorRenderer::OPT_COLORS);


This library is available through Packagist and can be installed using Composer:

composer require codeinc/error-renderer


The library is published under the MIT license (see LICENSE file).